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Leslie Anderson

Leslie Anderson

Former Digital Trends Contributor

Leslie Anderson is a freelance writer/writing coach from Roswell, N.M. She enjoys gardening, cooking, and helping students and clients to find their "voice" and inspiration through the art of writing. During her freelance journey, she has written for multiple niches from health/wellness to interior decorating and DIY. Her articles have been published by House Digest, Content Writers, and


Toddler wearing shamrock glasses and hat

Fun St. Patrick’s Day activities for kids: Crafts, cooking, and more

With St. Patrick’s Day quickly approaching, now is the perfect time to celebrate with your wee ones as you commemorate the lively Irish culture.
Woman sitting on couch and looking at a pregnancy test

7 early pregnancy symptoms you shouldn’t ignore

These 7 early pregnancy symptoms are possible and not your imagination. Some go unnoticed while others are mistaken for another illness.
Woman making a heart with hands over Post partum belly

Feeling movement down low? Here’s what it could mean for your pregnancy

Throughout your pregnancy, you might wonder, “Why do I feel my baby's movement in my lower abdomen?” We explain why and what exactly is going on.
A mother changing a baby on a bed

What to do if your baby falls off the bed: Steps for proper care

Your baby fell off the bed. Don't panic just yet. We have the advice for you to follow in case this happens to your child.
Permissive parenting checked off on a parenting style checklist

What is permissive parenting and is it a recipe for disaster?

Permissive parenting has been a hot button topic. What is permissive parenting and does being one make you a bad parent?
Pregnant woman on couch holding her stomach

Pregnancy pain: What it means, and when to worry

From cramping to back pain, pregnancy has its share of aches and pains. You'll find out what causes them and when you should call the doctor.
Smiling baby in high chair holding a carrot

8 best solid foods to start your baby on

Starting your baby on their solid food journey with vegetables like squash, carrots, sweet potatoes, and spinach presents a healthy option along with fruits.
Baby with peanut butter on their face

Food allergies in kids: What are the symptoms?

If you have concerned your child has food allergies, these are the signs and symptoms to watch out for.
Teenage girls eating pizza happily together

5 genius house rules for teenagers you’ll wish you’d adopted yesterday

Take some of the guesswork out of parenting teens by enforcing these five house rules for teenagers.
Parent working while child jumps on couch beside her.

Experts say this is how to discipline a kid who doesn’t care about consequences

Does your child just not care about consequences? There are still ways to get your point across.
A baby on a play mat trying to get the dangling toys.

When do babies start playing with toys? What you need to know

Here's what you need to know about when babies play and how to play with them
Cute little boy showing his list to Santa

5 genius ways to keep the magic of Santa Claus alive for your children

As parents it's a must to keep the magic of Santa Claus alive for as long as you can. Use these tips to keep the kiddos believing in Santa.
Family decorating tree

How many presents should your child get for Christmas? Here are some insights

Celebrating Christmas doesn't have to be stressful or expensive. We offer hints in determining how many gifts to give your children.
Mom breastfeeding newborn in bed.

10 foods to avoid while breastfeeding (and some good, nutritious ones that help prevent colic)

Now that you've made the decision to breastfeed, learn what foods to avoid while breastfeeding and what to be sure to include in your diet.
Toddler being comforted in bed after a nightmare.

Can babies have nightmares? What you need to know

Here is everything you need to know about whether babies have nightmares plus what do to do to soothe them back to sleep.
Pregnant woman relaxing on a couch with her laptop

8 best podcasts for new moms who have dozens of questions

These are the eight best podcasts for new moms to listen to. Check out these great programs that cover all topics from pregnancy to parenting.
Baby drinking out of a bottle.

Experts weigh in on when chamomile tea for babies can be helpful for colic or constipation

Should you use chamomile tea for babies suffering from colic? Here's whether babies should have chamomile tea including benefits and timing.
Large pot of mac and cheese

These tasty meals are under 1,000 calories and cook in 30 minutes or less

Check out these healthy 1,000-calorie-meal recipes that are ready in 30 minutes and taste so good the whole family will dig in.
Group of kids around laptops

See your child pecking at the keyboard? Try these typing games for kids to build this important skill

If your child is doing the chicken pecking dance at the keyboard, there are typing games for kids to increase their speed, accuracy, and confidence.
Baby sleeping in crib with a gray blanket and decals

What causes a baby’s snoring and what should you do about it?

Hearing your baby snore while sleeping? We go over when those little snorts are a cause for concern and when to let that baby snore the night away.
Baby boy laying on a blanket on his tummy

When do babies roll over? Everything to know about this exciting milestone

Wondering when babies start tummy time and rolling over? We have the answers and some safety tips to follow, too.
Rows of carriages and strollers

Pram vs stroller: Which mode of transportation is right for your baby while on outings?

Pram vs stroller: which works best for your baby's safety and comfort and your busy lifestyle. We have the pros and cons of each option.
Young child doing homework

5 telltale signs your child is struggling in school (or will be) – and what to do to help

Are you wondering if your child is struggling in school? Here are the signs to watch for and some helpful hints.
Teen girl holding an e-cigarette

Help! My teenager is vaping! Why this is a high-level parenting emergency

Is having your teen vaping a cause for concern? We'll give you all the information you need to stop this habit before it starts.
Middle school students in front of laptops cheering

Effective teacher-approved study tips and skills for middle schoolers we bet you haven’t tried

Worried about the jump from elementary school? Equip your kids with these fail-safe study skills for middle schoolers.
Teen girl sitting at computer smiling

Don’t make these mistakes when filling out a FAFSA application

The FAFSA application appears to be lengthy and complex. So we bring you some tips to avoid common errors while submitting this form.
Beige postpartum wrap

Are postpartum belly wraps really worth wearing or are they useless?

We have the facts to help you decide if postpartum belly wraps are right for you. Plus, we have listed the best brands for core support.
Girl surrounded by app logos in the air

Scared social media might be hurting your teen? What you should know

Scared social media might be hurting your teen? What you should know
A blue box of individually wrapped pads

The 7 best tried-and-true postpartum pads to use after giving birth

Check out our list of the 7 best postpartum pads that work when you need them. These brands offer the most comfort and protection after giving birth.
Parent scolding teen about electronic device

Does growing up with strict parents damage kids? Experts weigh in

Learn the lasting effects of growing up with strict parents. When is it detrimental vs. helpful?
Two toddlers playing with toys on a table.

How to know if your child is ready for preschool: Use this checklist

Use our readiness checklist to determine if your child is ready for preschool.
Little child whining

4 ingenious ways to get your toddler to stop whining (without bribes)

Does your toddler whine nonstop? Here's how to stop this annoying behavior.
A computer monitor displaying the FortNite logo

Should you let kids play Fortnite? Experts warn you to consider these factors

What age is best to let kids play Fortnite? Find out when to allow your child to play Fortnite.
Pregnant lady laying sideways with gray body pillow

Get comfy and keep baby safe: This is the best sleep position when pregnant

These five best sleep positions will help you get the rest you need while pregnant.
A couple holding a gender reveal balloon

How to make a gender reveal pinata that is sure to be a hit

Step by step instructions for making a gender reveal pinata for your bash.
Female graduate holding a chalkboard sign

All you need are these 4 items to decorate your new graduate’s car

Celebrate your graduate by decorating his car for all to see.
Mom feeding daughter with spoon

5 telltale signs your toddler needs feeding therapy right now

5 telltale signs your toddler needs feeding therapy right now
Parents looking at son perplexed

Is your child exhibiting impulsive behavior? Here’s what you need to know

Is your child exhibiting impulsive behavior? Here's what you need to know
Woman's hand wiping baby's nose

Does you baby have a runny nose? Here’s when you should worry

If your baby has a runny nose, here's when you should start worrying.
Boy hiding in couch cushions

4 Psychiatric warning signs to watch for before taking you kid to the ER

4 psychiatric warning signs to watch for before taking you kid to the ER
Baby sitting in carrier coughing

3 signs your baby’s cough is a big problem (and what you can do about it)

If you're worried about your baby's coughing, here's how you can help
Teenager texting on cell phone

Social media can be toxic — Here are 4 steps to help your teen detox

Social media can be toxic — Here are 4 steps to help your teen detox
Child crying while playing at table with siblings.

This is why your kid is crying for no reason (Hint: They have a reason)

This is why your kid is crying for no reason (Hint: They have a reason)
Daughter placing money in piggy bank as Mom watches

5 cool ways to make money as a kid you’ll wish you’d thought of

Here are 5 easy ways that kids can make their own money.
A child holds a sign that says thank you

7 manners your kid should know by age 10 if you’re raising them right

If your kid knows these 7 manners, you're doing a good job.
Mom breastfeeds baby and Dad watches.

Can a dad breastfeed? (Yes, he can, and we’re serious.)

Can a dad breastfeed? In theory, they actually can.
Hands holding a sign and wrapped chains

Does your teen have compulsive video gaming disorder? What you can do about it

Is gaming really a disorder? Here's how to tell if your child is at risk of compulsive gaming.
Mom taking to her son

6 simple ways to get lying teenagers to be more truthful

Why do teens lie? Try these easy methods to make teens stop lying.
Newborn girl sleeping on a pink blanket.

10 cute nicknames a baby girl can carry through childhood

Call your baby girl one of these cute nicknames that carry through life.
Multi-colored baby shoes on artificial turf

20 rainbow baby names that have a sentimental meaning

These sweet baby names are perfect for any rainbow baby.