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Kelli Catana

Kelli Catana


Kelli is a freelance writer who has covered the world of entertainment, pop culture, parenting, and lifestyle for various online and print publications. She is a mom to 4 busy teens who keep her on the go and up to date on all the latest Tik Tok trends and must-watch shows. In addition to contributing at New Folks, Kelli has written for sites such as, Entertainment Tonight Canada, I'm Not Obsessed, BabyGaga, Hot Moms Club, Screen Rant, magazines Parents Canada, iRun Magazine, and many more. She has been a regular contributor on local radio and television morning shows offering her expertise on everything from the latest entertainment news to book reviews and children's activities. She loves a good book and is Bravo TV obsessed.

Send all editorial inquiries HERE.

Sleeping teen

Should your teen have a bedtime?

Sleep is a large determining factor in predicting a teen’s health and success in school. So should you set a bedtime for your teenager?
A toddler sleeping in the bed

Why your toddler cries in their sleep and how to help them

Learn some of the reasons why toddlers cry in their sleep and if there's anything to do to help prevent it, so everyone gets their rest.
Young boy lying in bed with Teddy bear

The right age for kids to stop napping: What you need to know

When should children stop taking naps? And what happens if they nap too much or too little? We have all the answers here.
Teenage boy taking food from fridge

How many calories should your teen eat? The answer is more complex than you think

Whether your teen is dieting or needs to lose weight, it's important to know how many calories your teen should be eating per day.
Two little girls playing at a playground

Playdate essentials: What you should and shouldn’t bring

There's always a tendency to overpack even for a playdate. Here's what to bring on a playdate and what not to.
Toddler refusing to eat healthy lunch/snack of fruit and drink her milk

Toddler not eating? Here are tips to encourage better eating habits

Having a toddler that won't eat anything gets frustrating. Here's why your tot won't take a bite and how to get their appetite back.
Teen vaping outside

How to discipline a teen for vaping: What to do and what to avoid

If you've caught your teen and need to know what's an appropriate punishment for vaping, we've got your go-to parenting guide.
Mother with newborn.

Should you wear a postpartum belt after a C-section? Here’s what to know

Knowing when and how to wrap your healing body with a postpartum belt is critical to the process, so let’s take a look at what you need to know.
A group of young children at an activity table.

Is middle child syndrome really a thing? We’ll shed some light on this concept

Whether you have more than two children or are a middle child yourself, we have information about middle child syndrome that may shed light on the situation.
Pregnant woman cradling baby bump

Your third trimester of pregnancy: What to expect before baby’s arrival

Here is what you can expect during your third trimester of pregnancy.
Family of four dressed in Halloween costumes.

The best Halloween costumes for a family of 4 that are simple to find or create

Check out this list of the best and most fun Halloween costumes for a family of four that will make your crew the neighborhood celebrities on All Hallows' Eve.
Family of three celebrating Halloween

The best Halloween costumes for a family of 3

Dressing up for Halloween is more fun is with your family of three. We have compiled a bunch of cute, creative, and crazy costume ideas.
Mother holding a sleeping baby near a crib.

4 of the best ways to get your sleeping baby to the crib

It's not always easy to get your sleeping baby to the crib. We list a few suggestions that may help you do so successfully
Toddler pulling their hair

Your toddler feels out of control if they are doing this

If your toddler is pulling their own hair, they may feel out of control in their young life. Here's what to do.
Pregnant woman timing contractions

How to time contractions properly

Timing your contractions is a vital in deciding when it's time to go to hospital. Contractions are a long process - here are a few tips to help you time yours.
Mom encouraging baby to crawl

Are you a helicopter mom? Here’s how to tell and what to do about it

Are you a helicopter mom or parent? Here's how to tell and what you can do to avoid this happening to you.
Toddler with teeth missing

This is when kids start and stop losing baby teeth

Teething is a major stage in your kids' development — learn about when it all happens, and how to soothe the process.
Toddler standing against a growth chart on wall

What age do boys stop growing?

How old boys are when they stop growing is affected by a few factors, but growth typically stops between the ages of 16 and 18.
Kids drawing a mural

Experts agree: 5 benefits of art for your child’s development

Why does art boost child development and other skills? Learn what art projects are best.
Grandpa and grandson laughing at a knock-knock joke

These funny jokes for 6- to 7-year-olds will be a hit with kids

Get the whole family laughing with these jokes that are perfect for the 6- to 7- year olds in your life.
Baby boy with diapers

This is how many baby diapers you should actually go through per day

Curious how many diapers you'll need? We';; break down how many diapers you'll need for that first year with your new baby. The number may surprise you.
Baby sleeping on his back and smiling.

These 5 signs mean your baby is probably going through a growth spurt

Babies experience the most growth during their first year, so here are some helpful tips to recognize when your baby is about to go through a growth spurt
A baby laying on a chalk drawing of outer space.

11 out-of-this-world space names for boys and girls

These 11 space-inspired names are ideal for anyone looking for an out-of-this-world moniker for their little one.
A family on vacation taking a break to look at the view

Need parental alone time? 9 great resorts with kids’ clubs worth the splurge

All-inclusive resorts often offer kids' clubs that allow parents some alone time. Find out which ones are worth the splurge.
Baby swimming in a pool

When can babies go in the pool? What you need to know before summer starts

We break down all you need to know about when you can bring your baby in the pool as the warm weather approaches.
Cute baby girl surrounded by possible names

The best middle names for girls: 30 great options

Picking a name for your baby girl can be tough, and once you've settled on a first name you still have to decide on a middle name. Here are some great options.
Child blowing bubbles in a playhouse

How to make homemade bubble solution in 2 easy steps

Using homemade bubble solution is not only a fun way for adults and kids to spend the day, but cheap, too. Learn how to make this easy and affordable solution.
Mom giving her baby a bath

How to clean baby ears: A step-by-step guide

When it comes to cleaning a baby's delicate ears, some precautions need to be taken. Here's how to do it safely.
Baby girl at a birthday party

9 beautiful fantasy girl names for your baby

Inspiration for fantasy girl names for your baby can come from books, movies, and even video games. Here are our favorite choices.
Pregnant woman packing a hospital bag

Hospital bag checklist: What to pack for your labor and delivery stay

Here's everything that needs to go in your hospital bag when it's time to have your baby.
Woman with slime between fingers

How to get slime out of clothes (and just about everything else)

The trick is to know how to get slime out of clothes, hair, and even the carpet, so you won't mind when your child wants to play with it.
Baby girl with a "hello my name sign is" on her onesie

Unisex baby names: These are our top picks

Unisex baby names are gaining in popularity as parents realize they have more options than ever. Here are some of our favorites for your consideration.
A lady is laying on a massage table with a pillow

Why you should totally treat yourself to prenatal massages while pregnant

Pregnancy is very hard on the body which is why women might want to indulge in the benefits of a prenatal massage.
A baby awake in their crib in a sleep sack

What is the Ferber Method, and is sleep training safe for my baby?

What is the Ferber Method of sleep training and is it safe? We'll tell you all you need to know.
Parents smiling while holding newborn

These are our favorite push present ideas of all time

Look no further for the perfect gift for the mother-to-be in your life. Here are seven amazing push present ideas that new moms will love.
Toddler girl drinking milk through a straw while lying on the grass

Can toddlers drink almond milk or other plant-based drinks?

Is almond milk a good substitute for milk for toddlers?
Pregnant woman on a bed.

Doula vs. midwife: What’s the difference?

Midwives and doulas both aid individuals as they go through pregnancy and labor, but their roles are actually quite different. Here's what you should know.
Grandfather reading a story to his young granddaughter

Grandpa names: 6 incredible ideas from the traditional to the unique

Here are six alternative nicknames for any grandfather who is looking for something different than the traditional options.
Teen turning in an application.

Your teen got a job interview. Now, what to wear?

Your teen got a job interview. Go celebrate, then decide: what to wear?
Baby bottles in a carrier

How long is formula good for? This is when to toss it

It can be tempting to stock up on formula or pop a half-drunk bottle in the fridge, but is it safe? Here's what you need to know about when to toss the formula.
Toddler playing guitar

We love these gorgeous aesthetic names for baby boys and girls

Aesthetic baby names are the hottest new trend and we've compiled a list of some of the cutest girl, boy and gender-neutral options to choose from.
A pregnant woman holding her belly in a bathroom

What it means if you lose weight during pregnancy – and when to worry

Are you losing weight during pregnancy? Here's what it may mean.
Woman having a glass of wine while breastfeeding

Is it safe to have a cocktail while breastfeeding or should you pump and dump?

Here's the truth about whether it's safe to have alcohol while breastfeeding.
Father burping his baby

How to burp a baby: The do’s and don’ts to know

How to burb a baby isn't that complicated, but there are some do's and don'ts on how to do that will help alleviate your baby's discomfort.
Kids at a zoo watching a snake

Wow your kids with these fun facts about animals

These fun animal facts are sure to delight and amaze your kids while also educating them about wild and domestic animals.
Pregnant woman using contraction timer app

Is Unisom safe during pregnancy? Here’s what the experts say

Unisom is often suggested for pregnant people to help minimize morning sickness and help them fall asleep and stay asleep, but is it safe?
Baby opens mouth at the sight of food

When can babies eat baby food? This is when to make the switch

Everyone has an opinion on when babies should start eating baby food. Here are some guidelines by the experts on how to tell if your baby is ready.
Baby listening to headphones

Musical baby names that will make your heart sing

Give a subtle nod to your favorite genre of music or look to your favorite singer for a musical baby name for your new addition.
Little girl watching movie on the seat-back TV screen while enjoying her airline meal

How old do you have to be to fly alone? Read this before booking your kid’s trip

Do you know how old your child has to be to fly alone? What are the rules? Find out here.
A group of kids on their phones.

What is the average screen time for teens? You might be surprised

How much time staring at a device is too much for a child? The average screen time for teens is explained.