Babies experience the most growth during their first year, so here are some helpful tips to recognize when your baby is about to go through a growth spurt
When do babies' eyes change color? Time will tell if your little one ends up with the eye color they are born with, but we will help with the time frame.
Picking a name for your baby girl can be tough, and once you've settled on a first name you still have to decide on a middle name. Here are some great options.
When do babies sit up for the first time without falling over or needing pillow assistants? Here's when your tenacious tot will conquer gravity to stay upright.
Unisex baby names are gaining in popularity as parents realize they have more options than ever. Here are some of our favorites for your consideration.
Have you ever sworn you've heard your baby sound more like an animal than a human? There are reasons why babies growl sometimes, and we'll break them down.
It can be tempting to stock up on formula or pop a half-drunk bottle in the fridge, but is it safe? Here's what you need to know about when to toss the formula.
For parents, even something like choosing the type of bottle to use is an important decision. So, glass vs. plastic baby bottles: Which is the better choice?
Celebrating inchstones is a growing parenting trend. Find out what inchstones are and why you should highlight these on the way to achieving baby milestones.
When the 3-month-old milestones kick in, things get more amusing. See where your baby should be and know what adorable adventures there are to look forward to.
Notice your baby scratching their nose more than normal? Is this another quirky baby stage to get through, or is there something more concerning goin on?
If your baby stopped sleeping through the night, you might be dealing with 4-month sleep regression. Here's what you need to know to get back to sound sleep.