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Why pregnancy pillows are a great purchase for every expecting mom

Pregnancy is a beautiful experience, but it can also be uncomfortable and tiring. Since your body will go through endless changes throughout your pregnancy, an ordinary pillow that allowed for comfortable sleep one week may not work next week. Pregnant women often experience exhaustion and require more sleep than non-pregnant women. Sleep is incredibly essential for expecting moms since the body is working double-time to create a new life. So, being able to get comfortable and fall asleep becomes a necessity while pregnant. Pregnancy pillows are specially designed to support the changing contours of your body during pregnancy. They also offer support for various sleeping positions, and because of this, they are much longer or differently shaped than usual pillows.

Pregnancy pillows are also known as maternity pillows and are designed with mom to be’s needs in mind. Their primary function is to help support the growing bump so women can stay comfortable and rest as long as possible every time they can find sleep. Much like a regular pillow, pregnancy pillows are not one-size-fits-all. There are several factors to consider when choosing a maternity pillow. To find the one that will work best for you, there are several items to keep in mind – shape, size, filling, fabric, and price.

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If this is your first pregnancy, you will not know what feels good to you from one phase of pregnancy to the next. For others who have had previous pregnancies, you may know what worked in the past, but not all pregnancies are the same. For these reasons, it is important to be willing to try multiple options to find the maternity pillow that will work best. A good pregnancy pillow can relieve pressure on the back, hips, and spine while preventing an expecting woman from sleeping on her stomach.

Different types of pregnancy pillows

woman sleeping with pregnancy pillow
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The bean pillow shape is pretty self-explanatory – it is shaped like a bean and is one of the more compact forms of maternity pillows. It is used to add support to specific spots on the body like the lower back while sitting in an office chair or between the knees at night or during a nap. Bean shaped pillows are usually pretty affordable and are small enough in size that you can travel with them.


Though not as common as some of the other types of pregnancy pillows, inflatable pillows have some perks that the others do not. First off, these pillows are designed so women can rest on their stomachs without putting pressure on their unborn baby due to the hole in the middle. If you are usually a stomach sleeper, this may be a game-changer for you during pregnancy. Also, because these pillows can be inflated and deflated, they are great for travel and are easy to store when not in use.


Full-length pregnancy pillows are pretty much the same thing as a standard body pillow – it is a longer version of a traditional pillow. These types of pillows offer comfort during pregnancy because they can support the stomach and help the back stay in alignment by placing the pillow between the knees. This type of pillow is usually straight and is especially useful for side-sleepers. Some full-length pillows are made with flexible fabrics and fillings that are easier to mold to your body.

Total Body

Total body maternity pillows can support both sides of your body due to their C-shaped or U-shaped design. They curve around your entire body and cradle you while providing support for both your back and neck. Due to their long length, you can also place parts of the total body pillow between your knees and under your stomach. The total body pillow is one of the most popular types of pregnancy pillows because it offers the most support and offers the most support options. This pillow will likely evolve its usefulness along with the needs of your changing body throughout your pregnancy.


The wedge pillow is one of the most popular choices for maternity pillows because they are useful both during and after pregnancy. The shape of the wedge pillow is either round or triangular and is typically used by placing the pillow under the baby bump to create support while sleeping. It can also be used to elevate the back or legs while resting. Wedge pillows are also among the most affordable pregnancy pillows and prove to be a wise investment because they are useful after giving birth.

Since there are so many options when it comes to pregnancy pillows, you may want to try a few different types before purchasing one. Obviously, it is not possible to sleep on different types of pillows while in the store or shopping online, so if you have friends or family that have one, ask them if you can try it out. Asking other mothers what worked for them may also help you figure out what will work for you. The good news is, these pillows do not have to go unused after you give birth. You may get so used to sleeping with your maternity pillow that you don’t want to go back to sleeping without it after your child is born. Also, many moms have found that their pregnancy pillow helps them support their baby while nursing or feeding.

Meanwhile, as you eagerly await for the day you meet your newborn, check some of our top tips for easier labor.

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