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Toddler crying for no reason? Why it’s happening and useful tips to save your sanity

Here are possible explanations for the waterworks

Child crying in a house by a window.
Marcos Paulo Prado / Unsplash
Kelli Catana
Kelli is a freelance writer who has covered the world of entertainment, pop culture, parenting, and lifestyle for various…
Potty training regression: Tips to get your child back on track
How to spot potty training regression and help your child get over this bump
A mother helping her toddler on the potty

Potty training is a huge milestone for both the child and the parent. The child gains confidence and independence, not being labeled as a baby in diapers anymore, and getting to use the bathroom like a big kid is a huge deal. For parents, the milestone of not having to change diapers anymore — and not having to buy diapers anymore — might bring out a little happy dance.

But sometimes, milestones hit a bump in the road. If your child has been potty trained, but you notice a slip in their progress all of a sudden, you could have a case of potty training regression on your hands. Here's what that looks like and how you can get your child back in the swing of things.
What is potty training regression?

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Why do kids eat boogers? Tips to curb this behavior
Boogers don't taste good, so why do kids eat them?
A young girl picking her nose with her mother in the background looking grossed out

Even though kids are adorable and funny and oh-so-cute, they're also sometimes kind of gross. The things your sweet child sometimes does can be super disgusting. Ask any teacher. One of the most cringe-worthy things kiddos do is eat their boogers. Every child does it. You may not remember it, but if you asked your parents, they’ll say they caught you a time or two trying your own nose boogs.

Why do kids eat boogers in the first place? It seems like "don't eat your snot" is something parents should never have to say. Well, children are weird and will try anything if left unattended. You always encourage your child to try new things and unfortunately, the taste of their boogers is on the list. Most parents, though, don't want their kids experimenting with the taste of boogers. So, let us help you get your child’s nose-picking (and taste testing) under control by understanding why kids eat boogers in the first place.
Booger obsessed

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Toddlers and tantrums: Why they strip when upset
How to handle this common toddler behavior
Angry toddler in pink

Toddlers are no strangers to temper tantrums, but parents may find themselves at their wit's end trying to figure out why their toddlers behave the way they do when they throw a tantrum. The toddler years are full of developmental milestones, which can cause some extremely big feelings. Toddlers often find themselves overwhelmed by all the new things they constantly learn and sometimes struggle to express themselves. Sometimes, these emotions are cute or even a little funny, but during full-blown tantrums, those same emotions can be far from amusing.

From holding their breath to kicking and screaming, our littles express their anger in a variety of ways. Sometimes, these behaviors may seem unconventional. For instance, some toddlers take their clothes off when they are angry. Like mini Hulks, your toddler’s anger may boil until they can't contain themself and the clothes come off.

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