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The best potty-training urinals for toddler boys

the best potty training urinals for toddler boys funny baby urinal  housebreaking to pee standing up object isolated on white
Funny baby urinal for boys. Housebreaking. To pee standing up. Object isolated on white background. Set of two foreshortenings Image used with permission by copyright holder

Of course, having a full urinal installed at home would not be ideal nor practical, especially since your son would not be able to use a conventional urinal at this point. With a potty-training urinal, you can shift the height easily so it can be shifted as your son grows. It can also be a great way to teach your son proper bathroom procedures without the pressure of being in public.

Some may be afraid that getting a potty-training urinal would be useless and just create more space that is taken up in your home. On the contrary, the potty-training urinal can be the necessary tool that would help your little boy feel more grown-up. They would start feeling more independent and mature with just a small addition of one.

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Foryee Cute Frog Potty Training Urinal

Best potty-training urinal overall

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This adorable Foryee Cute Frog Potty Training Urinal is an all-around great potty training for your little guy. The training urinal is perfect for any boy between 1 and 6 years old. The brightly colored urinal shape is perfect for your child and makes it less frightening to approach. The height of the urinal is adjustable and has easy-to-use suction-cup attachments that are easily reusable. The removeable bowl makes for an easy cleanup, and the propeller water wheel gives your child a place to aim so they can practice comfortably at home.

ONEDONE Portable Baby Child Potty Urinal

Best portable potty-training urinal

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When you have a little boy that needs to go while you are on-the-go, take the ONEDONE Portable Baby Child Potty Urinal. The material is lightweight and safe for your child to use. The reusable cup can be taken apart and cleaned so that you can keep using it for those long trips. Most importantly, the seal on the lid is tight and secure, so you can be safe in knowing that no accidental spilling will happen.

Mamakids Frog Boys Potty Training Urinal

Best value potty-training urinal

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The Mamakids Frog Boys Potty Training Urinal takes care of your child and your wallet with an engaging and bright urinal design for your little boy. The rotating windmill rotates with its flow, so it both acts as a way for your boy to aim at a target while also keeping them entertained when going to the potty. You can either use the suction cups or the adhesives to mount it onto your wall for easy setup and even easier cleanup with the smooth inner wall of the bowl.

Boost your child’s confidence by getting them their own potty-training urinal. These are made specifically for your young boy to enjoy learning how to use a urinal while still being approachable for them to use. The design elements are not only made for your child but are also made for you to conveniently use and clean them up afterward.

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