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8 podcasts parents of teens need to listen to right now

These podcasts will make parenting your teen easier

Listen to a podcast graphic
Anna Tarazevich / Pexels

Raising teens isn’t easy. Having a teen can be compared to owning a cat that only comes out for meals and then hisses at you when they’ve got what they want!  Many parents would rather deal with the terrible twos again than the teenage years. At least back then, most things could be solved with a pack of fruit snacks, but it doesn’t have to be so difficult.

Raising teens is constant hard work. Still trying to protect your “baby” while also trying to figure out how much freedom to give them gives you about 15 new gray hairs a day. You can have the most well-behaved kid, but that doesn’t mean a teen parenting podcast can’t help you out.

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How podcasts can help you parent your teen

Mom trying to comfort upset teen girl.
Africa Studio / Shutterstock

Social media is a hotbed of information when it comes to parenting advice. Knowing where to look for the advice you want and need can seem daunting with so much available. Parenting podcasts can offer insights, advice, and real-life experiences from experts and other parents that can help parents tackle the tough job of raising teens. These podcasts cover a wide range of topics, making it sometimes difficult to find the pod that’s right for you.

However, once you find the podcast that you connect with, listening to relatable stories can help you feel less isolated and more empowered. Podcasts are great because they allow for flexible listening, enabling parents to listen during their daily routines, whether commuting or doing household chores. We’ve compiled a list of our favorite podcasts that every teen parent should listen to.

Podcasts for parents of teenagers

Father talking to a teen.
Julia M. Cameron / Pexels

Their Own Devices

For technologically challenged parents

Let’s face it: Parents are not the best at technology. We try, and we fail. Most parents of teens grew up in a time when it wasn’t possible to be on the phone and the internet at the same time, and we sure didn’t know what a cell phone was.

Let former President Obama’s Chief Privacy Officer and the podcast Their Own Devices help you learn all of the ways to deal with topics like social media, staying safe online, and sexting. It might be uncomfortable at times, but you need to be prepared to deal with technology in any shape it enters your teen’s life.

Mighty Parenting

For stressed-out parents

If you find that raising a teen has your anxiety at an all-time high, then let Mighty Parenting calm you down. Host Sandy Fowler uses her background in stress relief to guide parents through the battles of raising teens. We especially like that if you have a question, you can write in or email and get your topic covered. If you and your teen need a little anxiety control, this podcast is there to help.

Talking to Teens

For the tougher stuff

Parents always say they remember what it was like at that age. But do we? Memories get hazy and we always think we were better than we actually were. For the pills that are a little harder to swallow like bullying, that bad influence friend, and drugs, Talking to Teens covers it all. Host Andy Earls makes sure that parents are equipped with the basics on how to cover these more sensitive topics with even the trickiest teen.

Joyful Courage

For stronger parental support

From tattoos to smoking weed to hormones, parents will get emotional and positive support listening along with Joyful Courage. It can be easy to become angry or only see the negative in a teen’s troubles. But if you want to see every challenge as an opportunity to strengthen your relationship with your teen, this teen parenting podcast will set you up right. Find your tribe listening to how absolutely terrifying parenting a teen can be while being able to do it with grace and a sense of hope.

Healthy Family Connections

For real-life situations

If you like to relate to another family in your situation, then Healthy Family Connections will be more your style. Families can ask host and psychotherapist Neil D. Brown to address whatever issue is going on in their home. Dealing with a teen who won’t stop playing video games, what to do if you think your teen needs therapy, how to handle a child with an eating disorder … it’s all on the table. Knowing you are connecting with another going through the same thing will help you feel less alone.

Parenting Impossible: The Special Needs Survival Podcast

For parents of teens with special needs

If you are a parent of a child with special needs, it can seem extra hard. With regular teen issues on top of any additional support your child needs, you could feel overwhelmed every second of every day. Annette Hines knows what you are going through herself as a mother of a special needs child.

In Parenting Impossible: The Special Needs Survival Podcast she helps you through topics ranging from how to get financial support to how to talk with parents of teens who don’t have special needs to better understand your situation.


For parents of kids who are just different

Maybe your child doesn’t have extensive special needs but is still not like other teens. Where do you go for help? Host Debbie Reber invites you to check out her podcast TiLT for teens who are a bit outside the box. Whether your child has anxiety or is extremely gifted, this podcast is there to support parents who don’t feel like their kids fit in with the other groups at school and socially.

Youth Culture Matters

For parents who don’t get it, but want to

Do you feel attacked when you see the meme of Steve Buscemi in 30 Rock when he asks the youths “How do you do, fellow kids?” Then maybe you need to listen to the Youth Culture Matters podcast.

Whether we want to admit it or not, parents have a hard time really connecting to a teen’s current culture. Things change so quickly and getting on your teen’s level can be hard, yet it’s important if you want to bond and build a close relationship. Stay up to date on being a teen in today’s world by listening to this podcast.

There’s a teen parenting podcast for everyone

Mom comforting a teen.
fizkes / Shutterstock

These are by no means the only teen parenting podcasts you should listen to if you have teenagers in your home, but they are a great start. Listen to a few of each one to find the one that speaks to your family. If you have more than one teen in the house you might need to subscribe to a few.

Before you scream into a pillow (or maybe after), before you start that argument, and before you tell your kid they’re grounded for life, listen to these parenting teens podcasts and find a different approach to get you and your teen on the same page.

Dannielle Beardsley
Dannielle has written for various websites, online magazines, and blogs. She loves everything celebrity and her favorite…
Parenting 101: Punishments for teenagers that actually work
This list is a part of parenting you might need to have
A mother talking to her teenage son while sitting on the couch.

If you survived the toddler years, you will survive the teenage years. Trust us. Teenagers are like toddlers — they know how to push your buttons and love to test their boundaries. It's in the teen handbook and comes with the territory of growing up and becoming independent. As we all do sometimes, teens make mistakes along the way. As a parent, it's important to make sure your teen is being smart, safe, and respectful while navigating their way through adolescence. If that isn't the case, you might turn to a list of punishments for teenagers that fit the behavior.

Not all punishments are created equal, and some are more effective than others. You'll want to think about how to turn a punishment into a learning experience for your teen. Here is a creative and impactful list of good punishments for teens to turn those mistakes into life lessons. You never know, you might learn a few life skills along the way while parenting your teen.
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How to protect your teen from online bullying
Upset teenage girl on a cellphone

Most parents of teens are all too familiar with the dangers that come with their kids being on social media. It feels like kids are getting online younger and younger and as a result are being exposed to the world of cyberbullying. The internet is the ultimate double-edged sword for teenagers. Sure, it makes researching book reports a whole lot simpler; it can provide hours of online streaming entertainment, and even opens up opportunities to communicate with friends across the world. On the other hand, the ability to hide behind a computer and converse with someone you do -- or don't -- know without repercussions can result in some rather unpleasant interactions.

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7 healthy lunch ideas for teens you can make in 10 minutes
Your teen will love these simple but healthy lunch ideas
Avocado toast

Does it seem like your teen never stops eating? If you find your teen constantly reaching for less nutritious snacks instead of healthy meals, you're not alone. Teens may love to scarf down chips and other junk food, but you know they need proper nutrition to keep growing and powering their brains for school. These healthy lunch ideas for teens are so easy your teen can make them themself in minutes.

Learning to cook is an important life skill, and starting teens off with the basics, like toast and pasta, is a good place to start. It's also important to lay a foundation of health from the start by teaching about nutritious meals and how they can be easy to make and delicious to taste. These seven healthy lunch ideas for teens will make both you and them happy.
Easy lunch ideas for teens

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