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How to deal with your teenage daughter’s attitude without blowing up

Teenager rolling eyes at parents
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Sarah Prager
Sarah is a writer and mom who lives in Massachusetts. Her writing has appeared in The New York Times, The Atlantic, National…
Are you a helicopter mom? Here’s how to tell and what to do about it
Is being a helicopter parent so bad? Here's how to tell if you're too overbearing
Mom encouraging baby to crawl

Parents are facing parenting challenges that older generations never had to endure and are facing constant scrutiny online and in person.  It seems that no matter how you parent, someone on the internet will have something to say about it, especially if you're a mom. For some reason, dads don't face nearly as much judgment about how they raise their kids as mothers do. After all, terms like silky mom, tiger mom, and crunchy mom, are now common terms used to describe different parenting methods, but the helicopter mom is the OG of these parenting styles.

What is helicopter parenting?

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Empty nest syndrome: Your complete guide
Here's how to handle empty nest syndrome when it's your turn
Parent and teen talking while sitting on the couch.

Everyone always tells you to relish in the years your child is little and needs you every second of every day. Everyone tells you you'll miss it all one day. Now, that day is here. You've raised your little humans. They are grown up and leaving to move to their first place or go off to college, and you're all alone. Before (or maybe after) you grab some ice cream and put on their favorite childhood movie to have a good cry, here's what you need to know about empty nest syndrome.
What is empty nest syndrome?

You did it! The whole purpose of having children is to raise them to be smart, independent, fully functioning members of society. If that means they move out of the house, you will find yourself an empty nester. What it means in the most basic sense is the children you have raised have left the home, and the process has left the primary caretaker with feelings of sadness, loneliness, and grief.

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What to do when your child is obese
How these healthy habits can help with childhood obesity
Standing on a weight scale

Parents only want what's best for their kids, and that means facing health challenges head-on. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, childhood obesity is a major issue in the U.S. with around 13.7 million young children and adolescents falling into the obese category. A child is considered obese if his or her Body Mass Index (BMI) or body fat measurement is over the 95th percentile. Most BMIs for kids and teens are in the fifth and 85th percentile range. A child above the 85th percentile is considered overweight for their age.

The concern with obesity in children and teens is the impact on overall physical and emotional health. Obese children and teens face an increased risk of high blood pressure and cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, asthma, sleep apnea, joint problems, low self-esteem, anxiety, and depression. Future health problems include a higher risk for cardiovascular disease and cancer. An overweight child is more likely to be obese as an adult, as well.
The concerns with childhood obesity

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