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How to deal with your teenage daughter’s attitude without blowing up

Teenager rolling eyes at parents
Image used with permission by copyright holder
Sarah Prager
Sarah is a writer and mom who lives in Massachusetts. Her writing has appeared in The New York Times, The Atlantic, National…
Parenting 101: Punishments for teenagers that actually work
This list is a part of parenting you might need to have
A mother talking to her teenage son while sitting on the couch.

If you survived the toddler years, you will survive the teenage years. Trust us. Teenagers are like toddlers — they know how to push your buttons and love to test their boundaries. It's in the teen handbook and comes with the territory of growing up and becoming independent. As we all do sometimes, teens make mistakes along the way. As a parent, it's important to make sure your teen is being smart, safe, and respectful while navigating their way through adolescence. If that isn't the case, you might turn to a list of punishments for teenagers that fit the behavior.

Not all punishments are created equal, and some are more effective than others. You'll want to think about how to turn a punishment into a learning experience for your teen. Here is a creative and impactful list of good punishments for teens to turn those mistakes into life lessons. You never know, you might learn a few life skills along the way while parenting your teen.
Positive ways to discipline teens

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7 amazing shows on Netflix you need to watch with your teen
Netflix shows perfect for parents and teens to watch together
Parents watching TV with their teen daughter.

It can be difficult to connect with your kids, especially when they hit the teen years. Technology and social media seem to keep our teens connected to their phones more than their parents, but this is a phase of life where it is more important than ever to make it a point to engage. Middle and high school is a difficult time for tweens and teens as they try to fit in with their peers and face academic pressures, all while navigating the awkwardness of adolescence.
Shows to watch as a family

Watching TV shows is a great way to spend time with teens and explore some of those difficult subjects through comedies and dramas focused on their age group. There are plenty of Netflix shows for teens that have plotlines dealing with relevant issues like relationship anxiety, friendship problems, college application stresses, and more. Here are six Netflix shows for teens and parents to enjoy together.

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Teaching your toddler boundaries without hurting your bond
A guide to setting healthy boundaries with your toddler
A toddler on a log with a parent.

Babies are known for gnawing on anything they can get their hands on, including your face! This behavior is cute when you're cuddling your infant, but it becomes much less cute and infinitely more painful when that infant becomes a toddler and has teeth. No magic switch turns your infant into a polite mini human the moment they turn into a 1-year-old. It’s a gradual, years-long process that you’ll guide.

That means teaching the toddler boundaries. It’s a challenge that you and your little one are up for tackling together. Here’s how to handle all of it — and why it’s one of your most important roles as a parent.
What is the best age to start?

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