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How to teach a teenager to drive without tears (or dented bumpers)

A teen boy at the wheel with Dad watching
pixelheadphoto digitalskillet / Shutterstock
Sarah Prager
Sarah is a writer and mom who lives in Massachusetts. Her writing has appeared in The New York Times, The Atlantic, National…
Are you a helicopter mom? Here’s how to tell and what to do about it
Is being a helicopter parent so bad? Here's how to tell if you're too overbearing
Mom encouraging baby to crawl

Parents are facing parenting challenges that older generations never had to endure and are facing constant scrutiny online and in person.  It seems that no matter how you parent, someone on the internet will have something to say about it, especially if you're a mom. For some reason, dads don't face nearly as much judgment about how they raise their kids as mothers do. After all, terms like silky mom, tiger mom, and crunchy mom, are now common terms used to describe different parenting methods, but the helicopter mom is the OG of these parenting styles.

What is helicopter parenting?

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What every teenage boy needs to hear from his mom
How to help your son navigate the teenage years
A mom embraces her teenaged son.

Mom and teenage son relationships can be complicated. Mothers go from being the most important person in their son's life to being someone they rarely talk to. Fortunately, this stage doesn't seem to last very long.

Defiance and self-reliance are more than just social rites of passage—they’re important developmental milestones. After all, adolescence is the bridge between childhood and adulthood, which means leaving the boundaries of kid-dom behind. Teenage brains strive for independence and the freedom to control their own lives and explore the world around them. It’s all a natural part of your son’s growth as he crafts the identity he’ll carry with him into adulthood.

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How to sleep train your baby without a big struggle
Use these tips to get your baby to sleep through the night
Baby sleeping in a bed with their mouth open

Sleep can be hard to come by with a baby in the house, but most of us can agree that whether it be yours or your babies, no one does well with little sleep. Our bodies need rest so our cells can repair and renew themselves. Our brains require it so they can slow down and decompress at the end of the day. Getting enough sleep is crucial for people of all ages, but especially for parents of young children who struggle with getting enough sleep every day.

It’s for all these reasons and many more that many parents choose to sleep train. While baby sleep training tips are varied, sleep training is simply the act of training your infant to get to sleep and return to sleep in the night should they wake up. This is sometimes also referred to as self-soothing. While there are many methods to achieve the task of a self-soothing or sleep-trained baby, we thought we’d merge some of the best options on how to sleep train baby.
Sleep training versus night weaning

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