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6 signs of teething in toddlers that parents should be aware of

Your baby may be cutting those first teeth

Toddler sucking on the back of their hand
Iulian Valentin / Shutterstock

It’s exciting when your little one starts to cut their first teeth, but it’s also heartbreaking as they suffer through the pain of teething. Teething doesn’t just occur when your little one is still in diapers either, as their teeth will continue to emerge for the better part of 2 years after the first one erupts through your kiddo’s gum line. Contrary to what some parents may think, their child’s teeth will continue to develop for quite some time after the first few “chompers” break through.

If your toddler is experiencing teething symptoms, now could be a good time to break out those teething rings and whip up a few homemade teething pops. However, there may be a few symptoms your little one is experiencing that even veteran parents may not be aware of. Here are some signs of teething in your toddler you’ll want to be on the lookout for.

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Signs of teething in toddlers

Firma V / Shutterstock


Humans tend to be at the very least, slightly cranky when experiencing pain – no age range required. Add in a lack of clear communication to vocalize or express that pain and the inability to completely diminish it, and it can push toddlers over the edge. This can create the perfect scenario of temper tantrums, tears, and turmoil. Call it cranky, edgy, testy, or irritable, teething can cause toddlers to be touchy, even on the best of days

Low-grade fever

When toddlers’ teeth begin to pop through their gums, their bodies can react to this change in many ways, one of which being a low-grade fever. We’re talking about temps lower than 100 degrees Fahrenheit. The fevers that are just high enough to make your tot warm to the touch, flushed in the cheeks, and feeling so poorly that they may want to lay or be held a bit more. However, in turn, a fever that is not high enough to warrant a phone call to their pediatrician or coupled with additional and more serious symptoms.

Ear pulling

While this symptom can be indicative of other issues such as earaches or other ENT (ear nose and throat) issues, ear pulling is also a sign of teething – especially in toddlers. Because toddlers’ 2- and 3-year-old molars sit further back in their mouths, ear pulling can be a symptom of those molars emerging from below their gum line. This pain can sometimes travel up into the ear, causing your toddler to pull or tug on their ear lobes, letting you know there could be trouble brewing.

Change or lack of appetite

Eating, or just chewing in general, when experiencing any kind of tooth or mouth pain can be an activity most people — of any age – wouldn’t want to engage in. For some toddlers, they may easily put together the idea that when they eat while teeth are developing in their mouths, it causes additional pain and anguish. Because of this, they decide to stop eating or slow down their consumption greatly, which can cause concern in parents. This is often one of the first signs your child has a tooth emerging.

Disruption in sleep patterns

Mouth pain can disrupt many aspects of life in kids, especially sleep. Teething can throw off routines easily, thus creating ripples in your toddler’s sleep patterns. Whether from pain, pressure, lack of control of the situation, or exhaustion, sometimes kids just can’t fall or stay asleep for long periods of time. This lack of sleep can often exacerbate their struggles further.


Drooling by itself isn’t always a sign of teething. That being said, it can be a more prominent sign in toddlers who are not overly drooly in their regular day-to-day lives. Drooling, while common in kids in general, is not something every child does in their early years. Some children drool more so than others, so it’s important to keep in mind that yes, teething toddlers’ bodies may produce more saliva, causing the excess drooling in order to combat the pain, but it’s not a tell-tale sign of teething alone.

What to know about teething

baby girl with two front teeth
marina shin / Shutterstock

Although every child is different, most will get their first teeth between the ages of 4 and 7 months, although some may get one as early as 3 months. Typically, the bottom two teeth, called the central incisors, will appear first, followed about a month later by their top four front teeth, called the central and lateral incisors. The back molars will then appear followed by the eye teeth.

By the time your child reaches their third birthday, they should have all 20 of their baby teeth. Teething can be hard for little ones, so we’ve got some tips to help make this time a bit more comfortable for everyone.

Tips for soothing your toddler’s sore gums

child holding a teething ring
Rob Hainer / Shutterstock
  • Chilled food and drinks, such as applesauce cups, yogurt, chilled sliced fruits, frozen yogurt, or toddler-friendly sorbets.
  • Lots of water. It’s an important element in healing and hydration.
  • Teething toys and chewers (especially the kind that go into the freezer)
  • Teething gels that can topically numb the area around the tooth and gum line, under your pediatrician’s direction.
  • Medications such as Tylenol, also under the direction of your child’s pediatrician.

Toddlers experiencing teething symptoms can struggle with the pain and discomfort of teeth breaking through. Symptoms can often mimic other issues such as earaches, colds, allergies, and other respiratory illnesses, making it difficult sometimes to pin down the real cause. It’s for this reason we recommend you speak with your toddler’s pediatrician should symptoms such as these occur and persist.

Emily Pidgeon
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Emily's work has appeared in the Tube City Almanac, Tube City Online and our Affinity Sites. When she's not writing, she is…
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We love these boys’ fade haircut ideas (and your kid will, too)
From toddlers to teens, a boys' fade hairdo could be the new style your child loves
A boy with a faded haircut wearing headphones

We get so excited about all the options for haircuts for girls, that sometimes the boys' styles get overlooked. A clean, neat haircut can raise confidence and show off his adorable face, which is slowly changing into the young man he is becoming. Don't worry — no bowl cuts here, just popular and unique cuts that use the fade to bring out your child's personality. Find a boys' fade haircut to fit your child's style or go for something new to see how it fits when you give these cuts a try.
Basic boys' fade haircuts

Classic short undercut
One of the most versatile and easiest fades is the undercut. It looks cool, is easy for parents and kids to maintain, and offers a bit of flexibility in styling. If the top is shorter, you could spike it up or style it to the side if the hair is left a bit longer.
Taper fade
If your child wants something a little more basic but can look put together in just a few seconds of styling, the taper fade leaves you with a few options. It's a classic cut but with an effortless edge to it, where the fade starts at the bottom but seamlessly blends into the hair early on, leaving the rest of the head to be styled how you want.
French crop
This cut is for the child with a little more edge and personality. It's still a low-key cut with little maintenance to style it, but its endless looks are modern and fresh. Start with the classic French crop cut, and then add a high fade to the sides and back. This will give more attention to the top, which you could leave longer, slick back, or cut shorter and spiked.
Faded buzz cut
Every boy in the '90s and 2000s had a buzz cut. Now, there is a modern twist on that old military cut your child can try on. It still gives a clean look but adds a layer with the fade on the sides. If your child doesn't like to get ready in the mornings, this cut will save everyone time while still leaving him looking sharp.
The pompadour
The pompadour is such an adorable cut that dresses up any look when styled with a bit of product. Throw in a fade on the sides and back, and you have the ultimate look. The classic sweep and slick back of the pompadour clean up any kiddo, but the added fade along the edges is a fresh take.
Faded comb over
Don't worry -- no one will look older than their years with this faded comb-over look. It's a cute take on the original comb over, with the fade blending into the section that gets combed over. Add a shaved line at the part where you have the longer hair on top to the side to bring the homage home.
Faded side part
Close to the fade comb over, the faded side part works so well with kids who have a natural part on the side. It gives the natural lay of the hair a style that can be done in seconds, which is great for kids and parents, and plays off how the hair goes normally. Keep the top as short or long as you want and do a higher fade on the side of the part to allow for quick styling.
Faded mohawks

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