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12 cool pregnancy announcement ideas everyone will flip for

Here's how to share your exciting baby news

Baby bump wrapped up like a Christmas present
Olga Savina / Shutterstock

If you are thinking about what type of pregnancy announcement you want to create, then congratulations! There are so many exciting things that come with the discovery that you and your partner are expecting. Of course, you will want to share the happy news with family and friends.

Thanks to the ease of social media, it’s a snap to put up a post announcing there is a baby on the way. Sure, you will want to craft the perfect post to spread the news. If you’re looking for a fun, funny, or simply adorable way to tell everyone a baby is coming, we have a wonderful array of pregnancy announcement ideas to help you find the perfect one. If you’d rather not use social media sites like Facebook or Instagram, using annual holiday cards are a fun way to make a pregnancy announcement, too.

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When to make a pregnancy announcement

Man listening for baby.
fizkes / Shutterstock

For ages, it’s been the norm to announce a pregnancy shortly after the 12-week mark, since many miscarriages occur during the first trimester, which is why women have long been conditioned to wait until 12 weeks have passed to share their exciting news. The reality, though, is the announcement can be shared at any point in the pregnancy.

There actually isn’t a right or a wrong time. Some women who have suffered a miscarriage or a stillbirth, may feel more comfortable waiting until later in the pregnancy to tell people. Others may be waiting on second-trimester scans and test results before announcing a pregnancy. Then, there are couples who want to tell everyone right away. So, when to start telling family and friends you are expecting is whenever you and your partner are ready.

Pregnancy announcement ideas

cute snow family pregnancy announcement
senya03 / Shutterstock

There are quite a few ways expecting couples can go to make the exciting announcement a baby is on the way. You can go cute, funny, or even embrace holiday and seasonal themes to share the news. Social media sites make it a simple click to spread the news to family and friends, but don’t forget you can still use snail mail. Many of our pregnancy announcement ideas can be used for holiday cards, too. Here are some unique and fun ways to announce your pregnancy to those you love.

Holiday-themed pregnancy announcements

If the timing of your pregnancy allows you to make an announcement around a holiday, we have simple ideas for you that cover the entire annual calendar.

Pumpkin Patch

If you’re announcing you’re expecting in October, write the parents’ names on two large pumpkins, then any siblings’ names on medium pumpkins, and put a little pumpkin next to them. Caption it “We’re going to have another pumpkin in the patch! Coming” and add your due date.


Take pictures of your family in their costumes and caption it, “No tricks, just a treat! Our family is growing by two little feet.” If you don’t want to be in the picture, you can also use the same caption on candy bars: two big ones for mom and dad of the same type, and a fun-size bar of the same type for baby.


Take a picture of your mantle with two large stockings for the parents, a medium-sized stocking for any bigger siblings, and then a little tiny stocking labeled “Baby.” Caption it: “There will be three (or however many) stockings on the mantle this Christmas.”

Valentine’s Day

There are lots of ways you can use this holiday to make your special announcement. Take a picture of cut-out hearts and caption it: “Our hearts are about to grow.” Use large heart cookie cutters for mom and dad and nestle one small heart cookie cutter inside one of the larger heart cookie cutters to show that you’re expecting. Some options for cute captions for Valentine’s Day include:

  • “Roses are red, violets are blue, we’re expecting a baby, and want to tell you!”
  • “Love is in the air, and we wanted to share … our news!”

April Fool’s

If you want to really leave people guessing, announce your (real, no joke) pregnancy on April 1. A simple sign will do, reading, “We’re expecting! No, really!” People might be confused, but they’ll catch on, eventually.

Fourth of July

Take a picture of the flag, or of the family dressed in 4th of July colors, then caption it: “Red, white, and blue, our baby is due” and place the due date. This is a cute and patriotic way to let people know that you’re adding a new little one.

Funny pregnancy announcement ideas

Ready to get some laughs? Share your news in cute and funny ways to keep it lighthearted.

Pet looking quizzical

Take a picture of your dog, cat, or other pet next to a picture of the sonogram. Caption: with: “I thought I was your baby?” Bonus points if you can get your pet looking particularly quizzical or miffed.

Copy and paste

Have the non-carrying parent hold a sign saying Ctrl + C (the command sign on the computer for “copy”). Mom holds up a sign over her belly saying Ctrl + V (the command sign for “paste.”) Caption can say something like, “In case you don’t get it, we’re expecting! Baby Smith Coming” and put your due date.

For those with pushy relatives

A simple picture of a stork or sonogram captioned “You can stop bugging us now!” should get the message across that you’re done with unsolicited comments about when you’re going to have a baby.

Pregnancy announcement ideas that are always a hit

Want to keep it simple? The following announcement ideas can be used anytime.

Promoted to big brother/sister/grandma/grandpa

Use an online template to make a certificate that says something like, “For her excellent work and ongoing service, Annie is hereby promoted to BIG SISTER. Promotion effective” and incorporate your due date. Take a close-up picture of a sibling-to-be holding the certificate. You can also this use idea for any relative. For example, “For her ongoing excellence in being the best mom, Susan is promoted to GRANDMA.” This is a sweet way to highlight all the people who are going to be in the baby’s life. You can hand out the certificates at the new family gathering or just post it online. This pregnancy announcement idea is ideal for families with siblings.


Lay out two donuts for parents, however many donuts for siblings, and a mini donut on a plate. Then write “We’re adding a munchkin to our order!” Remember to include your due date.

Ribbon around your baby bump

Tie a large ribbon or put a stick-on bow on your bump to make it look like a present, and include a “gift tag” saying, “Do not open until [your due date]. This idea also works great for holiday cards.

Have fun

Couple hugging after looking at pregnancy test result
Dragana Gordic / Shutterstock

Whatever way you choose to share the news with your family and friends, have fun with it. Remember, there isn’t a right or wrong way to go about sharing your wonderful news with the world or a certain time during the pregnancy. So, the sky’s the limit on the possibilities for adorable and unique pregnancy announcement ideas.

Sarah Jaffe
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Sarah Jaffe is a former lawyer and parenting writer who lives in Brooklyn, New York with her husband and four-year-old…
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