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Father burping his baby

How to get rid of baby hiccups and why you should

If you have noticed your baby making those gasping noises, here's how to get rid of baby hiccups and try to stop the next fit from happening.
Cute baby drooling

Baby drool rash: What you need to know about this common occurrance

Drool rash is a common occurrence with babies, so if you're little one has one, we've got everything you need to know to make it feel better.
Woman feeding baby in a high chair

Baby refusing solid foods? Here’s why, and what you can do about it

There might be several reasons why your baby isn't eating solid foods just yet. We discuss what could possibly be going on.
Pregnant woman on couch holding her stomach

Pregnancy pain: What it means, and when to worry

From cramping to back pain, pregnancy has its share of aches and pains. You'll find out what causes them and when you should call the doctor.
A baby sitting up looking at the camera

6-month milestones: What to expect

If you're wondering what the 6-month milestones are for babies, we've got everything you need to know in this go-to guide.
A baby's knees

Do babies have kneecaps? We’ll explain everything

We've all taken a tiny baby leg and tried to see how flexible it is. But it makes you wonder, do babies have kneecaps? Here is what you need to know.
Avocado toast

7 healthy lunch ideas for teens you can make in 10 minutes

Here are some quick and healthy lunches your teenager can make on their own,
Toddler sucking on the back of their hand

6 signs of teething in toddlers that parents should be aware of

Here are the signs of toddler teething that parents need to look out for and be aware of.
Teenage girl fighting with parents

Authoritative parenting: What you need to know

What is authoritative parenting, and is it the ideal parenting style for your family?
Pregnant woman cradling baby bump

Your third trimester of pregnancy: What to expect before baby’s arrival

Here is what you can expect during your third trimester of pregnancy.
Toddler boy walking around

Gross motor skills: Your complete guide to understanding these movements in your growing child

Here's everything you need to know about gross motor skills when it comes to your growing baby or toddler.
Three teen boys looking at phones.

What do teens mean when they say sigma?

Yor teen may have called you sigma one day, and you've wondered about it ever since. This is the sigma meaning in slang terms the way teens are using it.
Woman excited at pregnancy test

Do pregnancy tests expire? What you should know

Can you use a pregnancy past the expiration date? Here's what to know about how good the pregnancy test you have in the cabinet is.
Mother holding a sleeping baby near a crib.

4 of the best ways to get your sleeping baby to the crib

It's not always easy to get your sleeping baby to the crib. We list a few suggestions that may help you do so successfully
Toddler pulling their hair

Your toddler feels out of control if they are doing this

If your toddler is pulling their own hair, they may feel out of control in their young life. Here's what to do.
A parent dressing their baby

Here’s our temperature guide for dressing babies in both cold and warm weather

Not sure how to get your baby dressed for the weather? We can help you with our temperature guide for warm or cold weather conditions.
A mom holding a newborn

What are phantom kicks? Are they real or not?

What are phantom kicks? This is what could be happening after giving birth if you swear you still feel a baby kicking in your stomach. 
Parents watching TV with their teen daughter.

7 amazing shows on Netflix you need to watch with your teen

These Netflix shows are entertaining and offer up a way to have conversations with your teen.
Four babies sitting together at daycare.

Are all babies born with blue eyes? We have the answers

Are all babies born with blue eyes? Every single one? Here is the answer to this color-coded question of what color eyes a baby is born with.
Pregnant woman with fruit and orange juice.

6 quick meal ideas for pregnant women that are still healthy

Bored of the same old meals? Try these meal ideas that are great for pregnant women.
Parents smiling while holding newborn

Bizzare behavior alert: Your baby constantly kicking legs and moving arms is actually totally normal

A baby constantly kicking legs and moving arms could seem a little strange, but it's normal. Here are other bizarre baby behaviors you may see your newborn do.
Pregnant couple sitting on the couch with a monitor.

Home birth: What you need to know about the benefits and risks

If you have the perfect birthing plan in your head and that includes having a home birth, here's what you need to know about the pros and cons.
Infant boy sleeping on bed.

6 sleep training methods that all new parents should know

If you need a hand putting your baby down to bed at night, here are the sleep training methods all parents need to know.
Doctor talking to pregnant patient

Getting pregnant after a miscarriage: What you need to know

Here's everything you need to know about getting pregnant after a miscarriage.
A toddler on a log with a parent.

Teaching your toddler boundaries without hurting your bond

Toddler behavior varies. How should you teach a toddler boundaries in spite of that? With love and empathy. Here's how.
Baby nursery

9 tips for decorating a nursery on a budget

You don't have to drain your baby budget to create a warm, welcoming nursery. Below are some practical tips for creating an Instagram-worthy haven on the cheap.
Pregnant woman timing contractions

How to time contractions properly

Timing your contractions is a vital in deciding when it's time to go to hospital. Contractions are a long process - here are a few tips to help you time yours.
A parent teaching a toddler girls how to tie her sneaker

A complete guide on how to get your toddler to start tying their own shoes

A guide on how to help your toddler start tying their own shoes.
Upset girl toddler

Are the terrible twos really that terrible?

You've heard the stories about the terrible twos. Are two-year-olds that horrible and where did the bad rap come from?
Pregnant woman at doctor's office looking at an ultrasound.

When do you find out gender? What you need to know

When do you find out the gender? This is when the doctor tells you what your baby will be in case you want to have their entire wardrobe ready before the birth.
A person checking their Apple watch.

Should your kids have an Apple Watch?

Should your kid sport a device designed for adults? Let's see if a kids' Apple Watch should be a thing, or if it's a device they shouldn't be left alone with.
Mom spoon-feeding baby food,

Baby feeding chart: An age-by-age guide

Here is a baby feeding chart by age so you know where your little one is and where they will go next.
Mom encouraging baby to crawl

Are you a helicopter mom? Here’s how to tell and what to do about it

Are you a helicopter mom or parent? Here's how to tell and what you can do to avoid this happening to you.
A mother combing her son's hair

Everything you wish you didn’t need to know about head lice (but do)

Head lice happens to the best of kids. What does head lice look like and can you prevent it? Here are all your common questions about head lice answered.
A baby sleeping in a sleep sack.

The 5-month-old sleep schedule every new parent needs

Transitioning your baby to a nighttime sleep routine is not as hard as you think especially with our 5-month-old sleep schedule.
Toddler with teeth missing

This is when kids start and stop losing baby teeth

Teething is a major stage in your kids' development — learn about when it all happens, and how to soothe the process.
Positive home pregnancy test

The first trimester of pregnancy: The good, the bad, and the OMG

Here's what to expect during your first trimester of pregnancy.
Baby doing tummy time

When do babies roll over (and what should you be doing to help)?

Rolling over is a huge baby milestone, so when do babies start rolling over and what can parents do to help encourage it?
Mother laughing with her young daughter.

Gentle parenting: Does it really work? You’ll want to read this first

What is gentle parenting, and is it the right parenting style for your family? It's a personal decision, but we have information to help.
Couple sitting in the nursery

Baby essentials checklist: Do you have everything you need?

Getting ready for your little one's arrival? Then make sure you have all the baby essentials you'll need with this checklist.
Smiling baby in high chair holding a carrot

8 best solid foods to start your baby on

Starting your baby on their solid food journey with vegetables like squash, carrots, sweet potatoes, and spinach presents a healthy option along with fruits.
Toddler standing against a growth chart on wall

What age do boys stop growing?

How old boys are when they stop growing is affected by a few factors, but growth typically stops between the ages of 16 and 18.
Pregnant woman in labor at hospital.

11 signs labor is near to look out for

Even if you have given birth before, things could be different each time. These are the signs labor is near, so you can be as prepared as possible.
Woman holding a baby.

The 4-month-old milestones every parent should know

As you and your baby continue to get to know each other, these are the 4-month-old milestones to celebrate with your family.
Boy sitting on a floor using a tablet.

The best educational shows for kids, according to their age group

Screen time is a battle on occasion. If you want to put those screens to better use, here are the best educational shows for kids, broken down by their age.
Dad using a laptop with his daughter

Experts say this is the best way to introduce kids to the internet

The internet can be a great tool for your child, as long as it's used safely. Here's how to decide if your child is ready.
Preschool teacher talking with students at a table.

This is what kids actually learn in kindergarten

What do kids learn in kindergarten? Here is what children learn as they start their academic career and how you can prepare them for their first day and beyond.
Parent and teen talking while sitting on the couch.

Empty nest syndrome: Your complete guide

Empty nest syndrome is one more phase of being a parent. Know how to get through it when your children don't need you to hold their hand every day.
Chicken and vegetables

5 600-calorie dinner ideas your family will love

If your goal is to feed your family healthy meals on a budget without sacrificing flavor, grab your grocery list and make these low-cal dinners for families.
Measuring tape around a fork

What exactly is an almond mom? A “new” parenting style to know about

An almond mom is a relatively new parenting term, but the practice has been around for ages. Learn what an almond mom is and how to not be one.