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The best organic prenatal vitamins you can get

So you got a positive pregnancy test — congrats! One of the first things you will want to do — if you haven’t done it already — is getting yourself some natural prenatal vitamins. They are made to give you extra nutrients your changing body and developing baby need at this critical point in time. Of course, distinguishing between all the organic options displayed on pharmacy shelves (or even available by OB prescription) can feel daunting to a first-time mama. The good news? As long as you’re getting folic acid, iron, and a few other important vitamins, you’re doing something right.

There are some slight nuances between different organic prenatal vitamins, though: Do you want gummy vitamins or pills? Are you looking for a formula that is easy on your sensitive stomach? Are additional probiotics a must? You’ll want to do your due diligence to find the option that best fits your requirements — and, when in doubt, consult your doctor. Ready to browse our top picks for natural prenatal vitamins? These five have everything you could want.

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Best gummy for your tummy: SmartyPants Daily Organic Gummy Prenatal Multivitamin with Probiotics

If swallowing a giant pill makes your tummy turn (hello, morning sickness), consider a chewable or gummy option. These SmartyPants vitamins have 16 nutrients to support you and your baby. With Omega-3 fatty acids and folate to foster Baby’s brain development, vitamin D3 to support your body’s bones, and vitamin B12 to give you a boost of energy, these vegetarian vitamins are free of gluten, gelatin, dye, milk, eggs, soy, and other common allergens. Probiotics encourage the healthy bacteria in your gut and help with digestion — because Mama has got to stay regular.

Best for increased iron: Rainbow Light Prenatal One Prenatal Vitamins + Superfoods

Pregnancy is not easy on your body — and your immune system becomes somewhat suppressed while you’re doing the busy job of growing a human being. Fortunately, Rainbow Light prenatal vitamins help to support your immune health with zinc, vitamin D, and vitamin B5. What’s more, folate and choline help with Baby’s brain health.

Gentle on the tummy (you can even take them on an empty stomach), these promote digestive balance, are vegetarian friendly, and free of gluten, wheat, artificial preservatives, and other dubious ingredients. The 27 mg of iron will help your body increase its blood volume to provide oxygen to Baby.

Best “raw” option: Garden of Life Vitamin Code Raw Prenatal Multivitamin

Garden of Life Vitamin Code Raw Prenatal is a whole-food formula, designed for use during pre-conception, pregnancy, and breastfeeding. With 800 mcg of folate (the recommended dose) for healthy brain development, a soon-to-be mom can feel confident that she and her baby will reap the benefits of vitamins A, B, C, D, and E, plus immunity-boosting zinc. Since they are “raw,” high heat is not used, and they are free of any synthetic binding ingredients, fillers, and other artificial ingredients frequently found in other vitamin tablets.

Our favorite one-and-done option: Actif Organic Prenatal Vitamin with 25+ Organic Vitamins

Made with over 25 vitamins, nutrients, and minerals, this organic prenatal option has naturally sourced DHA, EPA, folic acid, and Omega 3 to foster healthy neural development. There are no synthetic ingredients or additives, and the herbal blend is kind and calming on the stomach.

Good for stomach sensitivities: Thorne Research Basic Prenatal

Morning sickness (or should we say all-day sickness?) can take a toll. Sometimes, even the thought of swallowing a vitamin can make you gag and shudder. Fortunately, Thorne Research Basic Prenatal vitamins are made with a sensitive formula and the most “tissue-ready” and absorbable nutrients, so they won’t offend your taste buds, exacerbate nausea, or be off-putting to your belly in any way. What’s more, they feature easily absorbed iron bisglycinate to decrease constipation.

Ideally, you should start preparing your body for the challenges of pregnancy before conception. Adding organic prenatal vitamins to your routine when you start trying or after your first positive test can help ensure you and your future little one will get the critical nutrients to stay healthy, grow strong, and feel great. Good luck!

Lauren Barth
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Lauren Barth is a freelance writer and digital editor with over a decade of experience creating lifestyle, parenting, travel…
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Signs to watch for during feedings

The feedings themselves will sprinkle clues your baby is ready to ditch breastfeeding for good. If something feels off about the feeds, start paying attention each time you go to sit down for a session.
Feeding sessions become shorter
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Baby skips feeding sessions
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Baby gets more distracted during feedings
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