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Musical baby names that will make your heart sing

Share your love of all things melodic by giving your child one of these musical names

Baby listening to headphones.
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If you thought picking out a nursery theme was hard — just wait until you start thinking of what you are going to name your baby. It is one of the most meaningful and personal decisions you’ll make for your little one, where some people like to carry on familial traditions, certain parents love a musical baby name, while others like to choose something truly unique. It’s not uncommon to have the baby’s name selected long before they even become pregnant, with others needing the entire nine months of pregnancy to decide on the perfect name.

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People also turn to their personal tastes when it comes to choosing a name, and there is no shortage of inspiration if you go with a musical theme. Music-inspired names are great for anyone looking for a boy, girl, or gender-neutral option because the possibilities are endless. If you’re looking for a melodic sound to call your bundle of joy, look no further than these musical baby names that will make your heart sing.

Toddler playing guitar.
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Names that come from musical words


Aria is the perfect name for any music lover’s daughter because it means “song” or “solo melody” in Italian. It typically refers to a musical solo in an opera and has found quite a bit of popularity over the recent years, thanks to characters of the same name in hit shows like Pretty Little Liars and Game of Thrones.


If you’re looking for a more unique name inspired by your love of music, Chord may be just what you’re looking for. A chord is a group of notes or sounds strung together. While not a common name, it did become more popular when actor Chord Overstreet joined the cast of Glee.


What better name to give a sweet baby girl than Harmony, which means the “musical combination of chords.” It’s an ideal name for the child of two music lovers. The name derives from the Greek word “Harmonia,” the daughter of Ares (the god of war) and Aphrodite (the goddess of love) and was the immortal goddess of harmony and concord.


Lyric is a beautiful gender-neutral name for someone who wants to express their love of music through their child’s name. Lyric derives from the Greek word lyre which is an ancient stringed instrument. While many feel Lyric is a female name, celebrities like Soleil Moon Frye and Jeremy London both have sons named Lyric. Backstreet Boy singer A.J. McLean has a daughter named Lyric, which seems perfectly fitting.


Your baby will be as sweet as a song if you name her Melody. The name, which derives from the Green Melodia, means song tune and is a sweet and feminine ode to music and songs. The name has waned in popularity since it peaked in the 1980s, which means it’s the perfect choice for someone looking for something a bit more mainstream yet not uber-trendy.


If you want something a bit more rock-n-roll for your child, Strummer has the perfect pitch. While it literally means one who strums a stringed instrument, it’s a match for an edgier name that still carries a musical tune.

A mother singing to her little baby.
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Music-inspired baby names


Piper is a wonderful gender-neutral baby name, especially if you’re of Celtic heritage or know someone who plays the bagpipes. The name has grown in popularity over the years, in part to characters named Piper on shows like Orange Is the New Black and Charmed.


Reed is a more popular baby name, but spelling it with the two “e’s” is a definite nod any music lover would notice. A reed is a thin strip of material that vibrates to produce a sound in a woodwind musical instrument and a wonderful name to honor your love of music.


The name Major has so many different meanings, but for music lovers, it is a musical term defining a pattern of scales. It’s a great choice for someone who is looking for a musical influence but also a name that carries a lot of authority.


Like with Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata, the word means a piece of music made up of different movements. It also makes for an adorable baby name with strong nickname options like Sony, Sona, or Nata.


Not only the term for a male who sings in a higher register, Alto would work as a melodic baby name. It’s musical enough without being too in your face.

Child holding a toy guitar.
Weekend Images Inc. / Getty Images

Musical names to borrow


For fans of classical music, the German name Wolfgang is a terrific option for a baby name, after famed composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Wolfie is also a totally adorable nickname for it.


The late great Jimi Hendrix has inspired many with his timeless music, so it’s no surprise many parents are choosing his surname as the perfect rock ‘n roll name for their child. Kevin Hart has a son named Hendrix and Donnie Wahlberg has a son with the middle name Hendrix.


Similar to Jimi Hendrix, John Lennon has inspired multiple generations with his music and multiple generations have named their children Lennon in honor of his greatness.


In ancient Greek mythology, Apollo is the God of music and dance. While Apollo isn’t a common name, we are seeing a rise in the popularity of Greek mythological names, so it may catch on soon. Gwen Stefani helped popularize the name as an ode to her love of music when she gave it to her third son, Apollo Bowie Flynn Rossdale.

A baby playing a little piano.
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Musical terms to use for inspiration


Clef is a fairly unique baby name deeply rooted in musical meaning. Clef is a gender-neutral name of French origin that means musical symbol denoting pitch. While it’s not a common name at all, it’s perfect for someone who is looking for something unique while paying homage to their love of music.


Cadence is such a lovely name for a child. It means “the rhythm of sounds” and in music, it defines the sequence of notes that flow in a piece of music. It’s the perfect name for your little one who is always moving to their own beat.


Often used as a nickname, Jazz is now quickly finding its own place as a given name. Fans of this particular classic genre of music will show their true dedication by giving their little one this unique name.


This name, which is of Italian origin, means “joyous” “happy” and “lively” which is exactly how you’ll feel when your baby arrives. In music, Allegra means a song with an upbeat tempo and is a beautiful name for your lively little one.


Lyra, like Lyric, is from the Greek word lyre and is also a constellation name taken from the lyre of Orpheus. Lyra is possibly a bit more mainstream for parents who want to stay away from Lyric but still want to evoke the same musical feelings with their baby’s name. Singer Ed Sheeran and his wife Cherry recently named their new daughter Lyra.


If you’re looking for something truly unique to reflect your love of music, Zamir, which is of Hebrew origin, literally means “song.” It’s a wonderful choice if you don’t want to be too obvious about the influence your love of music has on your naming choice, as many people may not know the name’s origin.


Ronen is also a name of Hebrew origin, which also means song. The name itself is somewhat common when spelled in the traditional Irish way of Ronan, but when spelled Ronen it has a clear musical influence.


Canon is another musical term slowly becoming popular as a baby name. NBA superstar Steph Curry and his author-wife Ayesha named their son Canon, helping to make the name more mainstream.

Choosing a baby name — whether it’s a first name, middle name, or a nickname, for your child — is such a personal decision but these are all great choices for any music lover. Be bold with the choice, give a subtle nod to your favorite genre of music, or look to your favorite singer or band for a musical baby name for your new addition. Whatever name you pick, we know it will hit the right note.

Kelli Catana
Kelli is a freelance writer who has covered the world of entertainment, pop culture, parenting, and lifestyle for various…
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