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Home birth: What you need to know about the benefits and risks

Here are some things to learn about before making this choice

Pregnant couple sitting on the couch with a monitor.
Andersen Ross Photography Inc / Getty Images

All pregnant women have a picture in their head of their ideal birth. The type of pain relief or lack thereof, the music and ambiance, and the time leading up to the birth have all been thought through dozens of times by the mom. With more women wanting to have more control and power over their bodies, home births are on the rise as a favored labor option. While every pregnant person should check with their doctor to see if they are a great candidate for a home birth, here are the pros and cons to know before your due date.

Home birth benefits

A pregnant woman talking to her health care provider.
Jose Luis Pelaez Inc / Shutterstock

People want a home birth for all of the benefits it offers the family. Here are perks that may attract you to this type of birth.

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You will be in a comfortable surrounding

Being in your home or other safe space instead of the hospital is more relaxing for the mother. Even if you have visited the hospital a few times during the pregnancy — nothing beats being at home.

The mother will have more control

A mom’s home is her castle, and she runs it well. A mother giving birth at home feels empowered to have more control over everything from the birthing position to sounds to using any aids like oils or candles to make it more comfortable.

There’s room for a support system

Since COVID, the number of people allowed in the birthing room has been lowered, and in some cases, hasn’t gone back up from just one additional person in the room. A home birth allows for as many (or as few) people as you want to be there for it.

Family can be included

Hospitals usually don’t allow siblings in the birth space. We get it. A home birth lets siblings be a part of the process as much as the mother wants, which could be a special bonding time for the kids.

Recovery starts immediately and is usually easier

There’s nothing that drives a woman who has just given birth to insanity than waiting for those discharge papers. With a home birth, you are already home and can immediately start healing.

Other perks for a home birth

  • Increased success for breastfeeding.
  • Decrease in the need for medical intervention.
  • It is less likely for the mother to experience a perineal tear.
  • C-section rates are lower.
  • More time for skin-to-skin after birth.
  • No additional hospital costs. Money shouldn’t be a driving reason, but it is one heck of a perk.

Things to consider before committing to a home birth

Pregnant woman on a bed.
Ground Picture / Shutterstock

Having a home birth isn’t for everyone. There are possible cons to think about before settling on a home birth.

You could still need hospital care

Anything could happen during birth. Even the healthiest mother and baby could still need to go to a hospital. If you are not near one, you need an amazing plan to get the care needed.

Having multiples increases complications

If you’re having multiples, you should consider giving birth in a hospital. Risks and surprises tend to happen with multiples, and medical care will be needed.

Insurance may not cover a home birth

Yes, you don’t have the fees and room costs if you have a home birth versus hospital bill. Know that insurance may not cover things like the birthing tub, doula, and other items for a home birth. Check with your insurance provider to understand what you have to pay for.

There will be limited medical help

You never know until the heat of the moment if pain relief will be your friend or foe. In a home birth, pain relief options are limited, so think about whether you can handle it. There’s no shame in needing pain relief.

There’s no one else to clean up

There will be a mess no matter what. While you may not think of it in the moment, the cleanup will be all you, and you need a way to dispose of everything properly.

Other possible turn-offs for a home birth

  • You need to have the space.
  • There needs to be a doula, birth coach, or other professional with you.
  • If you have any risk factors, you shouldn’t have a home birth.
  • You need a way to monitor your and your baby’s vitals.
  • You have to arrange for a pediatrician to see your baby.

How to know if a home birth is for you

Pregnant couple cuddling.
Ground Picture / Shutterstock

Having a home birth or a hospital birth is a choice each mother has to make. If you feel like having more control and security, and being at home will be best for you and your child, set your family up for a home birth. Talk with your doctor, partner if you have one, and any friends or family whose opinions you value.

Go over all the pros and cons, check that your pregnancy doesn’t carry risks that would need medical attention, and make sure your home or space is conducive to a home birth. A home birth could be the right path for your family if all the boxes can be checked.

The choice comes down to you, but do the homework and gather the information to make the best decision for you and the baby. Join home birth groups, pick up a book, and talk to mothers who have had a home birth to see if it’s the right decision for you. The goal is a happy and healthy baby with a happy and healthy mom, no matter how you get there.

Dannielle Beardsley
Dannielle has written for various websites, online magazines, and blogs. She loves everything celebrity and her favorite…
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Signs to watch for during feedings

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Baby gets more distracted during feedings
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