Parents find inspiration anywhere and everywhere when it comes to finding the perfect name for their little one, which is why space names for boys and girls are so popular among those fascinated by the planets, stars, and space.
Space-inspired names can range from traditional to unique and celestial. Although we’ve seen space names often used as nicknames, they are gaining popularity as given names by parents seeking the celestial and ethereal vibes these names often give off. If you’ve been thinking of a space name for your little boy or girl, here are some ideas that you’re sure to love.
Space names for kids
Not only is Apollo the name of the Greek God of the Sun and the son of Zeus, but it was also the name of the U.S. Space program in the late 60s and early 70s.
In Greek mythology, Atlas was the Titan who led the rebellion against Zeus and was condemned to hold up the heavens on his shoulders for eternity. He was also often labeled as the founder of astronomy. Today, Atlas is a great gender-neutral-inspired space name that is growing in popularity.
Leo is the fifth sign of the zodiac and also the lion constellation. If you’re looking for something more traditional with a space-inspired meaning, Leo is an ideal name.
Derived from the Latin word for moon, Luna is also becoming a popular name choice for those parents looking for a little space inspiration.
Inspired by the famous Halley’s Comet, this name has been popular for years in various forms. Hailey and Haley are more commonly used, but we love the spelling and pronunciation of Halley.
Another zodiac-sign-inspired name, the Aries constellation is one of the smaller zodiac constellations but burns brightly.
Another gender-neutral name, Juno was the name of the wife of Jupiter and was used by NASA as the name of the space probe that orbits Jupiter.
Pandora is a small moon that orbits Saturn. In Greek mythology, she was the first woman created under Zeus’s instruction.
Another name derived from Greek mythology, Orion, the son of Poseidon, was a mighty hunter who was placed among the stars by Zeus. The Orion constellation is one of the brightest and most recognizable of the star constellations.
Estella is the Latin word for “star,” making it the perfect choice for those looking for a space name for their little girl. Many adapt this name by using Estelle or Stella.
In Latin, nova means “new,” but it’s also the term that refers to a star that appears as a sudden, bright flash in the sky before eventually fading.
When it comes to choosing a space name for your boy or girl, the options are really endless.