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The 7 best maternity and pregnancy apps you’ll want to download now

The wait for baby to arrive can seem like forever. From conception to your estimated due date can feel like the longest 40 weeks of your life and all the changes you experience during that time can lead to some major questions and confusion. Counting down the days doesn’t have to be tedious, however. Thanks to a slew of pregnancy apps, expectant parents can find out how big their baby is, what senses he or she is developing, and what to expect in the coming weeks.

Pregnancy and maternity apps can be a life-saver when your body is doing unfamiliar things. Just pop into your app and chances are you’ll find the answers you need. Different apps cover different bases, from countdowns to communities of other expectant people to development trackers. But with all the apps to choose from, how do you know which one to download? We’ve rounded up seven of the best pregnancy apps for you to check out.

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When should I start using a pregnancy app?

You don’t have to wait till you’re pregnant to use pregnancy apps. Many apps on the market double as fertility trackers so you can start using them right away to record your periods and ovulation.

If you’re already pregnant, there’s no reason to wait! Just pop in your estimated due date and other pertinent information and find out what’s going on in your bump right now.

The best pregnancy apps

Here are 7 pregnancy and maternity apps you’ll want on your phone right now.

What To Expect Pregnancy & Baby Tracker

Based on the go-to pregnancy book, What to Expect When You’re Expecting, the What to Expect app has pretty much everything you’ll need to navigate your pregnancy. From spot-on pregnancy and development trackers to informative videos and sound medical advice, the WtE app is a one-stop-shop for all your pregnancy questions.

Luckily, it’s available on both Android and iOS so no matter what kind of phone you have you can reap the benefits of this thoughtful and informative app. And best of all? It’s free!

Available on iOS and Android.

Man and pregnant woman sit on bed looking at a smartphone

The Bump Pregnancy Countdown

This tracker app is very cool. It gives you 3-D images of what your baby looks like as it’s developing and allows you to ask questions to other parents and pregnancy experts. It also helps you navigate the creation of your online baby registry, with easily accessible product reviews and easy-to-access registry features.

Available on iOS and Android.

BabyCenter Pregnancy Tracker & Baby App

A tracker that provides images of the stages of development, the BabyCenter Pregnancy and Baby app automatically switches over to a parenting app once your baby is born. This app is full of helpful information for pregnancy and the 4th trimester, helping you get your feet under you in those first exhausting weeks with a newborn. The app provides insight and helps all through the first year.

Available on iOS and Android.

Ovia Pregnancy Tracker

The Ovia Pregnancy Tracker pulls double duty as a period tracker and pregnancy tracker allowing users to follow from ovulation to conception to gestation. This handy app is also chock full of information about safety. What foods are safe during pregnancy? What medications should you avoid while pregnant? The Ovia Pregnancy Tracker has it all!

Available on iOS and Android.

Sprout Pregnancy

More than just a tracker, the Sprout app offers daily and weekly development updates, a personalized delivery timeline, kick counters, and even contraction counters for when the big day finally arrives. Named one of Time magazine’s top Top 50 Apps of the Year, this one definitely deserves a download!

Available on iOS and Android.

Glow Nurture Pregnancy App

Glow is a little different from the rest of the pregnancy apps out there. Glow provides a place to keep track of everything pregnancy-related, from doctor’s appointments to photos. Plus, a journal function makes it the perfect place to store your memories without having to click on three different social media and calendar apps to do it! This app also rolls over into postpartum, helping you understand what to expect once your baby has arrived.

Available on iOS and Android.

Mind the Bump

Now for something completely different. Mind the Bump provides mental health support during and after pregnancy with in-app meditation, mindfulness, and perinatal health support. Designed by mental health professionals, this app is the perfect way to wrap your head around what your body is doing and prepare for the journey ahead!

Available on iOS and Android.

Save yourself some stress, keep track of those important milestones and dates to remember, and watch your bump grow all from the convenience of your phone!

Kristi Pahr
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Kristi is a professional writer and mother of two. When she's not writing or playing chauffeur to her kids, she enjoys…
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Find out if you should use one past the expiration date
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From over-the-counter medicines to things in your fridge, we worry about the expiration dates of items that go into our bodies. Some things you could get away with trying past the expiration date, but with others, you don't want to compromise on the quality. One of those items you don't want to play around with is a pregnancy test. Whether you want a positive or a negative result, you don't want that to fail you. Do pregnancy tests expire? Can you use a pregnancy past the expiration date? Here's what to know about how good the pregnancy test you have in the cabinet is.
When a pregnancy test expires

Have you noticed one on your bottled water? Everything has an expiration date. Yes, even a pregnancy test has an expiration date. Most pregnancy tests will last one to three years after the manufacturing date, some two to three years. That is a huge spread, sure, and an expired pregnancy test isn't something you want to hope is still good. To keep it safe, don't buy any tests that are a few months away from the expiration date. You can't take a test until you are a week late (with most), so there has to be some wriggle room.
Digital vs. non-digital tests
Are digital and non-digital tests the same when it comes to the expiration date? Yes. They both have a shelf life of the same time frame. There might be a difference in how you read the various tests, but both non-digital and digital pregnancy tests have expiration dates. Look at the bottom of the box and on the individual package to find it.
Get the most out of your pregnancy test

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Home birth: What you need to know about the benefits and risks
Here are some things to learn about before making this choice
Pregnant couple sitting on the couch with a monitor.

All pregnant women have a picture in their head of their ideal birth. The type of pain relief or lack thereof, the music and ambiance, and the time leading up to the birth have all been thought through dozens of times by the mom. With more women wanting to have more control and power over their bodies, home births are on the rise as a favored labor option. While every pregnant person should check with their doctor to see if they are a great candidate for a home birth, here are the pros and cons to know before your due date.
Home birth benefits

People want a home birth for all of the benefits it offers the family. Here are perks that may attract you to this type of birth.
You will be in a comfortable surrounding
Being in your home or other safe space instead of the hospital is more relaxing for the mother. Even if you have visited the hospital a few times during the pregnancy — nothing beats being at home.
The mother will have more control
A mom's home is her castle, and she runs it well. A mother giving birth at home feels empowered to have more control over everything from the birthing position to sounds to using any aids like oils or candles to make it more comfortable.
There's room for a support system
Since COVID, the number of people allowed in the birthing room has been lowered, and in some cases, hasn't gone back up from just one additional person in the room. A home birth allows for as many (or as few) people as you want to be there for it.
Family can be included
Hospitals usually don't allow siblings in the birth space. We get it. A home birth lets siblings be a part of the process as much as the mother wants, which could be a special bonding time for the kids.
Recovery starts immediately and is usually easier
There's nothing that drives a woman who has just given birth to insanity than waiting for those discharge papers. With a home birth, you are already home and can immediately start healing.
Other perks for a home birth

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