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5 winter crafts for kids to make when they’re bored and stuck indoors

Too cold for sledding? Then do these winter crafts for kids

There is definitely a “sweet spot” when it comes to winter weather. It’s either time to embrace your inner Queen Elsa and truly enjoy all the cold weather and the snow have to offer, or it’s so frigid that everyone would be happier indoors. But no matter the weather, you can still have fun and enjoy the winter season.

Coming up with new, fun, and easy winter crafts for the kids is one way to keep them from being bored if you’re stuck indoors. If you’ve been looking for some new inspiration to step up your craft game during the winter season, try these winter crafts for kids on your next snow day.

Mom and toddler doing holiday crafts
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Crafts using the elements

Ice wreath bird feeder

This craft, made by Hand On As We Grow shows how to use staples from your pantry and a Bundt pan to create a super cool bird feeder that your kids will not only love to make, but will also love to watch the birds feed on it.

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The recipe is so simple, the kids should be able to do it themselves. Mix a variety of nuts, grains, and cereals and any seeds you may have on hand and pour it into a Bundt pan. Just add some water and let it freeze. Once the “wreath” is frozen, hang it from a branch with a ribbon, or simply set it outside and watch as your wreath brings all the birds to the yard!

Snow painting

Creating a snow painting is a great way to get the kids outside for a bit and let them get crafty. What makes this craft even better is that it’s ideal for kids of all ages so everyone can participate. This recipe from Mommy Poppins shows just how easy — and inexpensive — it is to get creative in the snow.

All you need is snow, water, food coloring, and a few spray bottles to create endless masterpieces. You could also fill plastic bags with colored water to help create different designs in the snow. If you want to avoid heading outside completely, just use regular paper, water, food coloring, and squirt bottles to let your kids get creative inside.

Kids having fun making holiday crafts. / Shutterstock

Crafts for the builders

Homemade play dough

It’s a bit frustrating to constantly buy play dough only to have your kids mix the colors or leave the lids off, allowing it to dry out! This homemade play dough recipe from Domestic Superhero allows you to make your own play dough and customize the colors. This is a great way to get your kids involved and allow them to create their own rainbow of play dough.

Let the kids get crafty making their homemade play dough. All you need is flour, cream of tartar, salt, and food coloring. In addition to customizing their colors, add items such as glitter (if you dare) or essential oils (no more of that play dough smell) to elevate that dough.

Build a gingerbread house

The holidays go hand-in-hand with building a gingerbread house! After Christmas is a great time to pick up some of those prepared gingerbread house kits on sale at your local retailer and keep them handy for when your kids are bored. Have them work alone or in teams, depending on their ages, and get as creative as possible. Help them whip up some extra icing of their own if they need it, and use any leftover decorating supplies from your holiday baking you may have in your pantry.

Homemade snow globes

Creating homemade snow globes, like these from PBS, is a great way to use up all those jars you’ve been saving to recycle. You will need glass jars, plastic figurines, LEGO, or any other small item your child may wish to use, crafting supplies like glitter and sequins, water, glue, a spoon, and glycerin (if you have it).

Your kids will choose which figurines and decorations they want to put in their jars. Once they’ve finished creating their snow globe, they just screw the lid of the jar on and watch as their creation comes to life. Make as many snow globes as they have jars, with different options for each one.

It’s frustrating for kids to be stuck home on a snow day. It’s even more so for parents and kids when it’s too cold to spend time outside and enjoy the snow. But with a little creativity, you’ll keep them occupied and inspired for hours when they won’t whine about being indoors. Stock up on the supplies you’ll need to make your favorite crafts so the next time you need something fun to do inside, you’ll be prepared for anything.

Kelli Catana
Kelli is a freelance writer who has covered the world of entertainment, pop culture, parenting, and lifestyle for various…
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