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The best learning games for your child’s development

The first five years of your child’s life are essential for brain development. Support your little one’s early education at home with the right learning games, designed to make education entertaining.

While there are many early learning apps out there, nothing compares to the benefits of traditional learning games. These didactic tools offer an opportunity for you to bond with your little one while nurturing the joy of learning. Let’s take a look at our favorite games to enrich your child’s every day and make education fun.

CoolToys Monkey Balance Cool Math Game

Best Number Game

Make math fun from a young age with the CoolToys Monkey Balance Cool Math Game. Basic counting and beginning math skills have never been as fun and easy as with this learning game for kids 3 and up. It includes 19 monkeys, 10 plastic numbers, 30 double-sided cards, and a monkey scale to encourage retention and promote interactive learning.

ThinkFun Zingo Sight Words Early Reading Game

Best Vocabulary Game

Learning sight words is entertaining with the ThinkFun Zingo Sight Words Early Reading Game. Designed for pre-readers and early readers from pre-K to second grade, this bingo-style game turns reading into a fun family game. This award-winner of ASTRA Best Toys for Kids is sure to delight your child with hours of entertainment.

Learning Resources Goodie Games ABC Cookies

Most Expansive Set

The Learning Resources Goodie Games ABC Cookies is a four-in-one learning toy for children ages 3 and up. Kids learn the alphabet, letter recognition, beginning sounds, word building, and early vocabulary through imaginative play. It includes 42 plastic letter-shaped cookies, 45 double-sided cards, two spinners, a plastic storage jar, and an activity guide that will provide hours of entertainment for you and your little ones.

When you make playtime fun and educational for your child, they learn faster and have better retention. With the kids’ learning games on our list, you can help your child develop a love for learning from an early age. It’s never too early to give your little one an educational advantage that will make them better students and learners throughout their life.

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NewFolks Contributor
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Toddler playing peekaboo

Playing peekaboo with any baby is almost a rite of passage. It's one of those adorable baby games that seems natural to play whenever a baby is present because everyone enjoys playing it. Babies are delighted by watching their parents or other adults excitedly reveal their faces. Your grandparents played it with your parents, your parents played it with you, and now you’re playing it with your child. But what’s the deal with the peekaboo baby game? Why do babies love this simple game?

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When do babies play peekaboo?

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