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20 fun indoor games to keep kids entertained at home

Keep kids busy with these cool indoor games

games for kids at home boy playing chess
Michal Parzuchowski / Unsplash

As much as we like kids to go outside and play, that can’t always be the case. Sometimes, Mother Nature doesn’t cooperate, and the kiddos are forced to stay inside. Typically, what happens is that children resort to their devices. While those smartphones, iPads, and streaming services will keep them busy, it’s not necessarily a healthy way to spend the entire day.

So, to avoid the inevitable cries of boredom when parents insist on powering down on those indoor days, you need to have a menu of games for kids at home. It’s always a good idea to have a stash of games to keep the kiddos occupied on those bad weather days or when you simply can’t plan an outing on days off from school because of work. We’ve got a fun list of games to play that will give the kids something fun to do and help you keep your sanity.

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Games for kids at home

Little girl inside a pillow and blanket fort
Andrii Zastrozhnov / Shutterstock

We have some exciting ideas to keep the kiddos busy and the fun may just entice those tweens and teens to put down the phones and join in, too.

Knee hockey

If you have hockey players in the house, you know how appealing this game is. You also probably have a knee hockey set and numerous balls floating around. Well, hockey players aren’t the only ones who enjoy this fun game. Set it up in a spot where things aren’t going to get knocked over or broken because kids really get into this. Knee hockey can be played just about anywhere, and kids of all ages love it. Adults do, too.

Sock hockey

For parents who aren’t in love with the idea of giving kids plastic sticks to play with in the family room, you can play sock hockey without them. All you need for sock hockey is a goal. You can use a small soccer net or create one of your own. Then, get a pair of rolled-up socks for a puck, pick teams, and the game is on. Kids use their hands to pass and shoot the puck.

Sock soccer

Any soccer players in the house may want to turn sock hockey into sock soccer. That’s OK, too. Instead of hands, kids use their feet to try and score.

Sock basketball

Yes, you can get a lot of mileage out of pair of rolled-up socks when it comes to keeping the kiddos busy on an indoor day. Don’t worry if you don’t have a basketball hoop on the bedroom door. All you really need is a laundry basket to play a game of sock basketball.

Balloon tennis

Another active indoor game is to play balloon tennis. You can use a spatula or large spoon as a racquet, but all you really need is hands. Blow up a few balloons because they will break in the course of play. Set up a makeshift net, but that’s not necessary either. The object of the game is to keep the balloon up in the air by hitting it back and forth. You can also include multiple players. If the balloons break, be sure to pick up all the pieces if there are babies, toddlers, and pets in the mix.

Hide and seek

This game is a classic and is always best outside to get the kids running, but it’s super fun inside, too. Just be sure to set boundaries about where the kids can and cannot hide. Always give a time limit and change up who is “it.” Kids get very frustrated if they are consistently stuck being “it.”

Scavenger hunt

Kids love a good scavenger hunt. A scavenger hunt is easy to set up, too. Make up a list of things for kids to find and set a time limit. Be sure to make the scavenger hunt list age appropriate.

Domino chain

This is another classic that kids just love. If you have a box of dominos, let kids have at it making a creative chain. Listen for the giggles when they knock it down.


If you can’t go to the bowling alley, bring it to the house. All you need are some empty water bottles and a ball. Create the pins with the water bottles and let kids use a soft ball to knock them down. Have kids take turns being the pin setter.

Build a fort

It just wouldn’t be an indoor day without a fort. If kids can’t go outside to build a snow fort, then give them some blankets and pillows to create an indoor play space for the day. Once the fort is built, kids can bring books and board games in. Try to make that space a device-free one to keep the creativity going.

Quiet games for kids at home

Girl and boy playing a game of chess
Eric Cote / Shutterstock

Sometimes, you may need to keep the kiddos quiet on those indoor games. Perhaps there’s a partner working a night shift or someone in the house who isn’t feeling well. Kids may also just need to power down after a few hours of knee hockey. These games are perfect to have on hand whenever you’re stuck inside and need something more chill to keep everyone from boredom.

Candy Land

Who doesn’t enjoy this classic game? It’s always fun and comes in different forms, depending on what your kids are into.


Sorry is another classic everyone can get behind. If there’s little ones who want to play, just partner them up with an older sibling or parent.


Nothing can keep everyone busy for hours like a rousing game of Monopoly. Like Candy Land, there are Monopoly games with different themes. This is a great board game for the whole family.


If you have older kids, dust off the Scrabble board. They don’t need to play word game on their phones. Kids can actually do it on the kitchen table.


This age-old game never goes out of style and is always a perfect pick for a rainy day.


An indoor day is ideal to teach kids how to play chess. Chess is a lifelong game offering many benefits. For kids, chess helps develop memory, problem-solving, and analytical skills. A great age to start teaching is 7, as they can learn the fundamentals of chess. Some may be ready at 5 years old.


OK, so this isn’t a quiet game, but it is a fun one. Kids of all ages will enjoy a game of Twister.

Chutes and Ladders

If you have preschoolers, this a good game to have in the house for developing those counting skills.

Card games

Sometimes, all you need is a deck of cards to entertain the kiddos on an indoor day or night. There are so many cool card games to play with kids.

Jigsaw puzzles

If you have the space, keeping an ongoing jigsaw puzzle around is a wonderful idea. Puzzles are a stress reliever and also develop problem-solving skills and more in kids. It’s a perfect pick for a rainy day or whenever the kiddos say they are bored.

When the kids are stuck inside, it doesn’t have to be a disaster. With this list of games for kids at home, you will have plenty of go-to ideas when everyone is forced to have an indoor day. These indoor activities also come in handy when the kiddos are bored. If you want them to power down and turn off the devices, these fun indoor games are always a hit.

Dawn Miller
Dawn Miller began her professional life as an elementary school teacher before returning to her first love, writing. In…
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