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Make Christmas magical with these 20 great activities for kids

Have fun this holiday season with these family-friendly activities everyone will love

gingerbread house under construction
Leeloo The First / Pexels

With the race from Thanksgiving to Christmas, it’s very easy to get lost in the rush of decorating, shopping, and wrapping. We won’t even mention preparing the holiday dinner for relatives if you’re hosting. Well, don’t end up losing out on all of that holiday family fun. Sure, there’s a lot to do to get ready for December 25, but more important is enjoying the journey.

There are so many fun Christmas activities for kids that help make December super special for everyone. Try to fit in as many of those family-friendly holiday outings and activities as you can. It’s a wonderful opportunity to spend quality time with the family while making memories to last a lifetime.

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Christmas activities for kids

Kids having fun baking Christmas cookies
Nathan J Hilton / Pexels

Maybe you have fond memories of baking Christmas cookies with your mom every December. Perhaps it’s getting together to watch a cherished Christmas movie or going to the local tree lighting. Those holiday-inspired activities left special memories behind for you. So, here’s a list of Christmas fun you can have with your kiddos. Even tweens and teens will enjoy these holiday activities in the days leading up to Christmas or during winter break.

Go to a tree lighting

Most towns host a tree lighting the first couple of weeks of December. Check out your community listings to see when your town is hosting one. Attending is a great annual tradition. If you happen to live near a major city like NYC or Chicago, it’s a very cool experience to do at least once when the kids are old enough to handle the crowds and chaos.

See the holiday lights

Some towns really deck the halls every holiday season. So, on a crisp, clear night, take a family walk around the neighborhood with the dog to see those amazing holiday decorations in all their glory. If you’d rather not walk, load the kids in the car and take a drive around town. There’s always one house in the area that goes above and beyond when it comes to the Christmas lights. Make it a point to stop by before the lights go dark for the season.

Make a gingerbread house

Now, you don’t have to go crazy and bake all the gingerbread. There are kits that help make it easier to build a gingerbread house. Don’t forget the extra icing and candy to decorate. You can also make it a contest by dividing family members into teams of two. Then, everyone votes on which one came out the best. A tasty-looking gingerbread house makes for a perfect holiday centerpiece when you’re finished.

Watch a Christmas movie

There are so many Christmas movies to enjoy during December. If your family has a favorite, put it on the calendar. Otherwise, make it a point to watch at least one Christmas movie together once a week in the days leading up to Christmas. You can also do a Christmas movie marathon while baking cookies or wrapping those presents.

Join a Secret Santa

The kids may have one or maybe your office does. Secret Santas are a fun way to spread a little holiday cheer.

Go to the theater

During the holiday season, many local theater companies have seasonal productions of plays like A Christmas Carol or The Nutcracker. Going to the theater to see a touring company of How the Grinch Stole Christmas puts everyone in the holiday spirit.

Embrace the holiday music

OK, playing Christmas songs on the radio just after Halloween can be a little excessive, but there’s something about holiday tunes that just makes you smile. So, turn on the Christmas station for the school drop-off and pickup. Remember what Buddy said. “The best way to spread Christmas cheer is to sing loud for all to hear.”

Donate toys

While some kids will have trees packed with gifts, others won’t have any. So, this holiday season be sure to donate toys to kids in need. Check with your school and library to find any holiday donation collections in your area or a local drive for Toys for Tots.

Give a senior neighbor a surprise gift

Gift giving is a major part of the Christmas season. Why not spread some holiday cheer by giving a present to one of the seniors living in your neighborhood? If you don’t have any senior neighbors, have the kids help you pick out or make some gifts for residents of an area senior center.


Like singing, volunteering also helps spread Christmas cheer. Volunteer as a family during the holiday season. This is an annual tradition that’s good for the soul.

Ride a holiday train

If you have never hopped aboard a Santa train, ’tis the season. Holiday trains are a great way for the kids to see Santa. These scenic train rides are always hugely popular. So, book tickets early. There’s usually Christmas carols, cookies, and hot chocolate, along with a special visit from Santa. Some holiday trains typically host annual Polar Express rides.

Shop at a holiday village or market

A holiday shopping trip to one of those Christmas villages or markets is a super fun way to find unique gifts. Even if you don’t want to shop, these villages make for a heartwarming family outing.

Bake cookies

Getting into the kitchen to bake cookies is a holiday tradition many families have. If you don’t have a cookie-baking ritual, start one. Pass it on to your kiddos, if you grew up with one. Even young children can lend a hand making and decorating those Christmas cookies. Tweens and teens may enjoy finding recipes of their own to try this holiday season. You don’t have to limit yourself to cookies, either. There are lots of delicious Christmas desserts the family can try their hand at.

Do a Christmas puzzle together

Puzzles are earmarked for a family activity. They’re also a fabulous stress buster. Doing a holiday-themed puzzle together can be an ongoing activity the whole family can do all month long. If you don’t have the space pre-Christmas, it’s a perfect winter break activity.

Make your own hot chocolate

Sure, those just-add-water hot chocolate packs or the store-bought bombs make tasty and quick hot chocolate. For a holiday movie night, why not make it yourself? Recipe for Perfection has an easy hot chocolate recipe that’s sure to be a hit.

Go ice skating

Lacing up the skates at Rockefeller Center and skating with the huge Christmas tree as a backdrop is a bucket list activity for many. If you live near or can plan a trip, it’s an amazing experience. You don’t have to travel to NYC to go ice skating, though. Head to a local indoor or outdoor rink for a public skate this December or over winter break.

Open one gift on Christmas Eve

This is a sweet tradition to start if you don’t already do it. The chaos of Christmas morning can be a bit overwhelming, especially if the kids are young. On Christmas Eve, take some time to have each family member open one gift from under the tree. Let each family member open their gift one at a time. Once you start this tradition, you’ll see how much the kids, even teens, look forward to it.

Share a Christmas classic together

Reading aloud to children isn’t just for little ones. There’s a lot of benefits to continuing to read to kids through the years. Christmas is the ideal time to sit down as a family and read a holiday classic like Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol.

Have an advent calendar

Once the calendar hits December, the excitement level in kids is on the rise. Help them countdown the days until Christmas with an advent calendar. There are many different advent calendars for kids and teens, too.

Cut down your own Christmas tree

This isn’t just for those holiday Hallmark movies. For families that do a real tree every year, picking out a tree is a big event. Why not change things up this holiday season and go to a local Christmas tree farm and cut down your own tree? It’s an experience the kids will never forget and certainly one that will make a ton of treasured memories.

These Christmas activities for kids are really just the tip of the iceberg. That’s what’s so appealing about the Christmas season. There is a long list of fun things to do. Family traditions are what make Christmas special. It’s easy to get wrapped up in the business of the season. Making time for Christmas activities for kids helps keep the joy in the season. Don’t add Christmas activities to the to-do list. Instead, set aside time to enjoy one or more of these holiday activities with your family this December.

Dawn Miller
Dawn Miller began her professional life as an elementary school teacher before returning to her first love, writing. In…
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