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Best cheap trampoline deals for March 2021

This post first appeared on The Angle.

Even though the weather is cold, many kids still need to get outside and expend all of that pent-up energy from the months spent inside. Since school was canceled and kids were forced to forgo play dates and organized sports, many parents found themselves running out of ideas for entertaining the kids. What better way to get the kids active in the yard than with a cheap trampoline? Ordinarily, trampolines can be prohibitively expensive, but we have found some trampoline deals so good that you might just think again about purchasing this new toy for your kids. And if it’s too cold to use right now, purchase one for next season today, so the kids have something to look forward to in the spring. Read on and check out the best trampoline deals you can score online right now.

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Today’s Best Cheap Trampoline Deals

How To Choose A Trampoline 

In the past, trampolines were considered unsafe for kids, so parents were leery of buying one for their yard. But these days, trampolines come with safety nets and enclosures, making them much safer. However, there are still some things to consider before buying a trampoline for your family, such as how much space you have, who will be using the trampoline, what type of trampoline you want (including what kinds of safety features you want), and more.

Room for thought

The first thing to consider when thinking about buying a trampoline is how much space you have. Trampolines range in size from as small as seven feet around and as large as 15 feet around, so you will need to measure the free space in your yard to ensure you get one that fits. You also need to be sure the area that you want to place the trampoline is free of trees and branches, fences, debris and is relatively level. You should also allow for several feet of lateral clearance around the entire trampoline.

Don’t bottom out

The next item to consider is who will be jumping on the trampoline. If the trampoline is for just the kids, you may want a different model than if Mom and Dad are going to use it too. Every trampoline has Maximum User Weight recommendations based on how heavy the jumpers are and how high they will jump. The goal is to ensure jumpers don’t touch the ground while jumping, which is called “bottoming out.” Generally, older kids and adults will need a trampoline with a higher Maximum User Weight, while younger kids will need a lower Maximum User Weight.

Spring fling

There are two different types of trampolines on the market — spring-based and springless. Springless designs use flexible composite rods underneath the surface of the trampoline and, thus, out of harm’s way. Springless trampolines tend to be safer and all but eliminate trampoline injuries, so this style may be best for smaller children. In terms of safety features, trampolines have come a long way over the years. Many feature spring covers (if the trampoline has springs) and have frames hidden beneath the jumping surface. Most also have soft mats around the edges to reduce impact.

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