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Save on back-to-school supplies with these great hacks

Back-to-school shopping tips you need

Mother and daughter go back to school shopping
New Africa / Shutterstock

It’s that time of year again. Yes, the kiddos will soon be filling up those backpacks and returning to school or starting school for the first time. Parents know what that means. The dreaded back-to-school shopping ritual is back. According to Capital One’s shopping statistics, it cost around $600 to shop for school supplies for one child in 2023, and now that it’s 2024, you can assume that figure is a little higher. Now, if you have more than one child, that estimated cost doubled or tripled.

For families with a teen headed off to college, the cost was around $1,400. Since prices across the board are higher than last year, families can expect to pay more for back-to-school shopping. Thankfully, there are ways to shave dollars off of those receipt totals. When you start shopping for school supplies, keep these money-saving tips in mind.

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How to save on back-t0-school shopping

dad and son doing some back to school shopping
New Africa / Shutterstock

The back-to-school shopping ritual is the same every year. New teachers send a list, and parents hit the stores online or in person. School supplies are in just about every store and that includes your favorite supermarket. It’s super easy to think convenience first. The problem is the most convenient places to shop for back-to-school supplies aren’t always the cheapest. So, to avoid spending money unnecessarily, keep these back-to-school shopping hacks in mind.

Take stock of school supplies you already have

To avoid buying school supplies like pencils and index cards you already have, take a few minutes to organize any leftovers from last year. Make a list of the school supplies from the previous school year you have before making a list of what’s needed for the upcoming academic year.

Don’t one-stop back-to-school shop

Instead of doing one trip for back-to-school supplies, leaving the family with an enormous credit card bill, plan on shopping four or five times, especially during sales and clearance events. You’ll find budget-friendly prices and you’ll still have the same result.

Don’t wait for the teacher supply list to arrive

Those school supply lists from the teachers don’t always come when it’s Amazon Prime Days or when Staples is having its penny sale. If you wait until the last minute, you are in danger of doing that one-stop shop that runs up the credit card. Instead, take advantage of the school supply sales to avoid missing out on bargains. Most things like pencils, pens, crayons, markers, and index cards are needed every year. So, those are safe picks when you see sales.

Stock up

If you’ve ever purchased school supplies later in the year, you know the prices are higher. Basic school supply prices are cheaper during the summer, and stocking up on essentials like folders, pencils, pens and binders saves money in the long run. It also provides a money-saving stockpile for the following school year.

Shop at dollar stores

Don’t neglect local dollar stores when shopping for back-to-school supplies. Many dollar stores have the same school supplies as major retailers like Staples, Office Max, and Target for a fraction of the price.

Don’t miss sales events

Sale circulars typically come out on Sundays. Don’t wait until later in the week to head to a back-to-school sale. Sundays and Mondays are the best days to hit up back-to-school sales because there will be more budget-friendly options to choose from. Follow favorite back-to-school supply hot spots like Five Below on social media to keep an eye out for sales.

Take advantage of loss leaders

If you’re not sure what a loss leader is don’t worry. Most people aren’t. A loss leader is something that will save you money. Retailers usually put one item on sale each week at ridiculously low prices in order to encourage shoppers to come to their stores. Loss leaders are those very inexpensive items. Take advantage and stock up on any cheaply priced loss leaders like pens, pencils, folders, index cards, and notebooks.

Use coupons

Money-saving coupons are king, regardless of the percentage off. Even five percent saves money. Watch those newspaper and mail circulars for back-to-school coupons, and make sure to check online coupon sites like RetailMeNot and Coupon Cabin before heading out on a back-to-school shopping trip. Don’t forget about digital coupons. Those are money-savers, too. Just remember to download any digital coupons before going shopping.

Take advantage of Amazon’s price comparison

While every back-to-school item kids need for the upcoming school year may not be cheaper on Amazon, it’s worth taking the time to check. Shoppers can compare prices using the Amazon app in-store by using the camera icon located near the search bar. Compare by using the camera to scan the item’s barcode. When shopping online, using Honey helps shoppers compare Amazon’s prices to other online retailers, even estimating shipping costs and Prime membership.

Honey is free to download to Firefox. Once installed, just click on the “h” icon over the product you’re searching for. If the best price appears, purchase the needed school supplies on Amazon. If not, explore the other price options available using the drop-down list.

Don’t forget Rakuten

If shopping online, start with Rakuten, which used to be known as Ebates. Rakuten is free to join, and using the site saves shoppers money on back-to-school supplies because users earn cash back while also getting discounts.

Check out thrift stores and consignment shops

For backpacks and back-to-school clothing items, don’t forget to take a peek at thrift shops and consignment stores. Sometimes there are great deals on gently used backpacks and clothing. Brand-new items with tags still on them also find their way to thrift shops.

September clearance sales

If after taking a look at the stockpile of back-to-school supplies, you find there’s enough to start the school year, wait until those September back-to-school clearance sales. Binders, notebooks, pencils, cases, scissors and other necessary supplies will be super cheap. Just remember, waiting until after the school year begins to back-to-school shop also carries a risk. Stores may be out of some needed items to replenish the stockpile.

More money-saving tips for back-to-school shopping

kindergarten girl shopping for a backpack for school
Chanintorn.v / Shutterstock

Just like the holidays, it’s always a good idea to set a budget when it comes to back-to-school shopping. The December holidays aren’t that far off, which means more charges on the credit cards. Setting a budget and using money-saving tips are prudent ways to keep school supplies from steamrolling through the family finances.

Shop during tax-free periods

Sales taxes are different throughout the U.S. and many offer tax-free shopping during back-to-school time for clothing, shoes, school supplies, and even computers. NerdWallet offers a list tax free weekends to keep in mind when going back-to-school shopping.

Use credit cards with cash back

If you’re using a credit card to do the back-to-school shopping, be sure to use one that offers cash back, like Discover. When you use a credit card with cash back, you accumulate points you can use to purchase other needed items.

Leave the kiddos at home

Make your school shopping list after you’ve checked what you already have. If you have the teacher list, take those items into account. Then, go shopping alone. Think about how the weekly grocery shopping cost goes up when the kids come along. If you’re like most parents, you end up buying more of those impulse buys when the kids are with you. Shopping for school supplies solo with a focused list helps save money, too.

Back-to-school shopping doesn’t have to be stressful or put a huge dent in the family budget. By using one or more of these life hacks, parents can shave precious dollars off of their shopping total. Keep these back-to-school shopping life hacks in mind when shopping for clothes, sneakers, school supplies, and more. These money-saving tips go a long way toward keeping the credit card bills down.

Dawn Miller
Dawn Miller began her professional life as an elementary school teacher before returning to her first love, writing. In…
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