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The best middle names for girls: 30 great options

How to choose the perfect middle name for your baby girl

Cute baby girl surrounded by possible names
Africa Studio / Shutterstock

Naming a child is a huge responsibility and one that most parents take very seriously. So much thought goes into choosing your child’s name, including whether you want to have a family name, a traditional name, or something totally unique. Some people love a theme when it comes to naming their children, while others have had their baby names picked out since their youth.

Picking a name for your baby girl can be tough, but there’s nothing like that feeling of satisfaction you get when you decide on the perfect moniker, that is until you realize you have to come up with a middle name!

What is the purpose of the middle name?

Baby girl with a "hello my name sign is" on her onesie
Africa Studio / Adobe Stock

In modern-day society, middle names often give parents a way to honor family members, both immediate and distant. Perhaps you choose the mother’s maiden name as a middle name, or the name of a relative you’ve always had a special relationship with that you’d like to honor. They are also a great way to add distinction to your child’s name while also helping to preserve a family name that may otherwise fade into obscurity.

You may feel your favorite grandmother’s name is a little too old-fashioned for a first name, but it works beautifully as a middle name. Many parents choose to call their children by their middle name or use it as the source of a beloved nickname.

Things to consider

A mother holding her newborn baby with her partner looking on
fatcamera / Getty Images

There are a few things to consider when choosing your daughter’s middle name. The first is what their initials will spell. You don’t want to choose a middle initial that might spell something embarrassing when combined with your daughter’s first and last name. You may also want to consider whether you want a name that’s easy to pronounce (and spell) and how it flows with the first and last name.

Maybe you want to honor a familial heritage or religion with your daughter’s middle name or a special family member. Choosing a middle name is just as important as a first name and they also follow trends the same way first names do.

Most popular girls’ middle names

baby girl photo
Rostov Oleksandr / Shutterstock

Pamela Redmond, founder of Nameberry, tells TODAY that we’re seeing parents expand their horizons when it comes to choosing middle names, noting that Rose has become increasingly popular. “Everyone has an ancestor with Rose in their name, but it feels too simple for many to use as a first name and works well in the middle,” she explained. She also noted that modern parents see the middle name as just as important as the first and last name,  “They look to the middle name to do everything the first name and last name haven’t done — represent one parent’s ethnic heritage, for example, or make the overall name more exciting or down-to-earth.”

Here are Nameberry’s top 30 middle names for girls:

  • Maeve
  • Alice
  • Wren
  • Rose
  • Willow
  • Mae
  • Sage
  • Claire
  • Nova
  • Grace
  • Elizabeth
  • Jane
  • Margaret
  • Rue
  • Harper
  • Aria
  • Briar
  • Frances
  • Elise
  • Catherine
  • Faye
  • Arden
  • Jade
  • Birdie
  • Blythe
  • June
  • Eve
  • Pearl
  • Nyx
  • Blair

The options truly are endless when it comes to choosing a middle name for your baby girl. Whether you opt for something more traditional, are looking for something gender-neutral, or want something totally unique and unexpected, we hope we’ve given you some great options to choose from.

Kelli Catana
Kelli is a freelance writer who has covered the world of entertainment, pop culture, parenting, and lifestyle for various…
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